Friday, September 14, 2012

 change of weather...
brought me a bad sinus headache...
I battled with it all day yesterday...
made it hard to do anything on the computer...
read...wear my glasses....
 finally around 10 last night it subsided...
so I got a decent night sleep....
some areas got rain yesterday...
not a drop here...
it is sprinkling this morning...
we are going to be in the upper 70's...
big change...for a few days...
 my DIL sent me a sweet video from Hotrod...
Hope you feel better Oma...
made my day....
I'm ready for a nice relaxing weekend...
I get to do a photo shoot on sunday....
my daughters dance group at the studio...
I'm looking forward to it...
Hope you all have a relaxing weekend...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet little squirrel and great shots of him/her. sorry to hear about the headaches. what fun to photograph the dancers. hope we can see a few.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Sinus headache. -sighhhhhhhhhhh-

Oh I do hope it gets better. And also hope you have some meds to take. Please... Sometimes we just gotta' take some meds.

Also hope you will be fully up to enjoying your weekend.

Gentle hugs,

TexWisGirl said...

the squirrel is adorable. we've not had a drop here at all. not even really sprinkles. 'town' got 3/4 inch. nada here.

Susan said...

Sinus headaches are the worst!!! Get those too! Hope you have a great weekend and IT doesn't come back!

Just Mags said...

So sorry about that headache sweet Deb. I am glad you were able to get rid of it. Those pictures of the squirrel on the log oar fantastic!!! How sweet that Hotrod sent you a feel better message, bet that brought a fuzzy feeling and a huge smile to your face. Hubby looked out this morning and saw a pink morning glory bloom so maybe they are going to get going yet. There have been 3 purple blooms and one pink so far. Yeah!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great photo shoot. Hugs

Judy said...

Apparently, when you were done with that headache, you sent it on to me...
I missed church yesterday with a migraine, it was that bad. I am better today, but still a bit achey.