Tuesday, September 25, 2012

 do you ever have so many things in your head you want to write about...and when you try to write them...
you have to pick which one you want to use...
cause you don't want to just ramble....
well I decided...why not just ramble...
some one out there might get it...
or atleast part of it...
so here goes...
why are people so quick to judge others??
so what if a 70 year old woman wants to wear dangling earrings...
or another woman wears white after labor day...
if it makes them feel good...
let them....
do you have an outfit or accessories that when you put it on...
you feel really good about yourself....
now what if someone walked up and criticized you for wearing it...
it would just ruin your day....
beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
I say if someone is wearing what you think is a crazy outfit...
but they are smiling and happy...
smile and be happy with them...
if they are not smiling...find something nice about it..
then tell them....
I bet you both will end up smiling.....
don't let others insecurities effect yours....
now we have all seen people dressed or undressed...
that is not appropriate for where they are...
you know with things hanging out that shouldn't be...
I mean a bikini at church...not appropriate...
or a see through blouse at the PTA meeting....
but if someone wants to wear a big floppy hat...
or army boots with their sundress...why not....

stripes and polka dots...
why not...
it is amazing when you put on that special outfit...
or accessory....
you walk taller...you smile more....
now that's what it is all about...
I know I kinda jumped all over the place on this one...
but I did warn you it would be rambling....


TexWisGirl said...

you're pushing for the crazy hats, aren't you? ;)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Well Deb! WISE WORDS sister! I agree...WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL!?!?!?!?!

Pretty bees...though I don't want them near me thank you VERY much!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha to texwisgirl... she went right to the heart of the matter, did someone make fun of you and your hats? just kidding. i do agree with you and i have never in my life made fun of or judged someone who is wearing what i think is weird. i am a wearer of weird to some. preach on sister and amen

Jeanie said...

Just like the bee in your pics, an unkind word can sting someone unnecessarily. I don't see why anyone would choose to hurt someone that way about something they choose to wear.

Paula said...

I am 76 years old and wear dangling earrings when I want. I earned those holes in my ears (long story) but one day a little girl told me my dangling green star earrings are pretty. That made my day and her's I think.

Michelle said...

We all just have to be who we are in life. And, enjoy it while we are here.

Just Mags said...

A long time ago I made the decision to be myself, dress the way I want, do the things I want and not let what other think or say bother me. None of us are the same and no way will anyone ever please or be approved by everyone. So I say...enjoy life to the fullest and let everyone else do the same and let us all do it OUR way. Great post sweet Deb and I agree with you totally. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am with you 100%. Be yourself!

Judy said...

Well, I am SO glad that you approve of my rubber ducky earrings!! DD1 got them for me about 10 years ago, and sternly said that if she was going to buy them for me, then I had to wear them! And I do wear them!! I love them!! So what if 60 is chasing me!! My ears, my earrings!!