This duck is old...
it was mine when I was a baby....
Hotrod calls it the old duck...
from Oma's a baby....
This was my daughters....
I wish I still had the one's from when I was a kid...
they would be old too....
Hotrod loves the hair sticking up....
isn't it funny how the simple toys....
seem to be the kids favorites....
my Mom and I were discussing it today...
she watches my niece a few days a week...
she is 5 months younger that Hotrod...
how a box....a blanket..a pillow...
a wooden spoon...a bucket of water...
can lead to hours of fun....
I remember as a kid having so much fun with such simple things...
I wish more parents and grandparents would ban
the video games 99% of the time...
push more imagination toys...outside activities...
arts and
the kids would be healthier....more well rounded .... games...computers...
are fine in small doses...
imaginations should be given in large doses...
I'm stepping down off my soap box now...
i like your old duck.
my favorite toys were my barn set and tractor, wagon and dump truck. :)
The simple is always the best. Way too many kids today do not know what to do with anything not electronic. Love your duck...cute! Toys passed down from generation to generation are so much fun and those that never get the chance to experience something like that are missing out on so much and it is just unfair. Hugs
Little Farmer Boy pic is adorable. and that duck is a treasure. i agree with your sermonette and am afraid it will not happen. we have new neighbors that moved in a month ago, we have seen two boys, maybe 12 and 13 leaving for school at 8:30 and other than that the house appears to be empty. bob said why don't they come outside, i said do you see any other kids outside? the answer is no, not in any of the houses in all the streets in our neighborhood.
I love your rubber great that you saved that.
Step right back up on your Soap Box, my Dear!
Hot Rod is a lucky little boy. Lots of his growing up time is spent with a smart Oma. And I'm sure his mommy and daddy agree with Oma's views too.
Hot Rod is a lucky little boy.
You can;t read my blog words? They blend in with the background?
No one else has said this. That's all I know.
I use a white background, under my blog words. And I use a bit-grayer-than-full-black for the print. It seems to be easier on people's eyes, than stark black letters on white background.
Is it still this way???????????
That is a really cute duck! I am surprised that you still have it!
Your old duck is a mighty good looking duck!
I so agree with you about the simple things for children to play with.
When our grandchildren were small, I'd turn the water hose pressure on very low, give the children a rag and spray bottle with water in it, and the children would have so much fun spraying and watering down their little cars and tricycles..
Precious picture of Hot Rod with the cowboy hat!!
I totally agree that simple toys that require added imagination are best.
Love your old duck! I wish I still had my troll doll too! I agree with you 100% about limiting the video games and I'll add ipad shows and other stuff that keeps a child glued to a screen. I'm afraid our two year old grandson is seriously addicted to screens! TV or Ipad that is!
Love the old duck and troll! I agree with you. I am glad that my children were a little older when the electronic stuff started. My son was so creative with blocks and my daughter played with barbie dolls. Things have really changed!
That old duck is awesome!!!!! The last photo of Hotrod is absolutely darling. Something to frame!
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