Saturday, September 1, 2012

 I had a great walk last saturday....saw some nice sights...
Nolan and I walked at the park...
he is very patient with my photo stops...

we walked about a mile and a half...
he's quite the little trooper...

I even managed to go do a little thrift shopping later...
I found a lot of books for Hotrod and my niece...
found a trunk for my daughter to use as a night stand...
found her some movies...VHS...and DVD...
she doesn't have cable...
but she does have a combo VCR...
I found Big Fat Greek Wedding...Bad New Bears...
Top Gun...Father of the Bride...
Lean on me....
all classics...

the best thing of all...was the tennis balls...
I found them 3 for $1.50...
so I stocked up...
Now Rooster...Nolan...Hotrod and Ginger...
will have their own balls to play with...
they are all brand new in the original package...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE thrift shopping. Looks like you found a treasure trove of great items. Love the water/bird pictures! Happy Labor Day Weekend, friend.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm laughing at the clean and fresh tennis balls. i remember when my dogs played and got them disgustingly dirty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good buys, all of these and now i am thinking i should check the thrift stores for tennis balls. at walmart they are 3 for 1.99 right now.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Now THAT is great 'thrifting.' Useful items!

Super that your daughter has a combo VHS and DVD player! We used to, but ours quit. -sigh- No more old VHS tapes for me.

Wishing you a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. "Auntie"

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your photos are beautiful and I especially love the glistening water.

Judy said...

I love the water in those last two photos! The colour and the rainbow effect in the sparkles!!

nancygrayce said...

Such beautiful photos! And I just have to say....the tennis balls are a great find! I wear a glove when I throw to my dog because after a while the slime gets to me!

Susan said...

Wow, great photos!

A Colorful World said...

I am a full week behind with you! Sorry! These are great shots...I particularly love the diamond sparkles on the water!