Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1st...where did the summer go???
I'm still hanging on soaking up the last drop...

it is the last official summer 3 day weekend...
but it's not officially over for me till I have to break out a jacket..
doesn't look like it will be any time soon here...
we are back up to the 100's this weekend....

well the first week of empty nest wasn't bad... wasn't empty....
it was full...
full of Hotrod...full of Ginger...full of my daughter...

Hope you all have a safe and happy Labor day weekend..
unfortunately my guys are having to labor.....
but that is part of it...


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Ahhhhhh yes! Some of our citizens still have to labor, on Labor Day. :-) And thank you, to all who do!

You keep right on holding summer in your heart and mind and etc.!

Until jacket-time... Perfect for those who do not want to *admit* the seasons have changed, until they REALLY do!!! Good for you. :-)

Wishing a happy and safe Labor Day weekend, to all... "Auntie"

nancygrayce said...

I woke up this morning and said to my's September! The months seems to sweet by and everything and everyone is in such a hurry! Sigh! We won't be breaking out jackets here any time soon either! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no labor planned here, it is to hot to labor, but then it is to cold to labor, to rainy to labor, to dry to labor... are you picking up what i am putting down?? i am having breakfast on labor day with my friend Diane at the cracker barrel...

TexWisGirl said...

yeah, the 100s are not exactly great to see return this weekend. ah, well... we had a break for a while.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you Deb. You have a nice weekend too. My Fall bowling starts on Tuesday. Summer went by quickly.

Tanna said...

I think we can safely say we have a bit more summer left... but, I can feel the days getting shorter and I hate to see the long days end. Glad your "empty nest" is full this weekend!! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly! Where has time gone?! Looking forward to fall and cooler temps. Rick and I mowed today...whew! Take care, friend.

Judy said...

I knew it was September, but only today did I realize it's the long weekend!