Monday, November 19, 2012

Debby at Just Breathe
joined a Meme answering 31 questions...
thought I would play along...
1. Chocolate or Vanilla.....vanilla
2.  Morning or Night....morning
3.  Eating in or out... in
4.  Cats or Dogs....dogs all the way
5.  East Coast or West Coast....hmmm which one has Texas???
6.  Night out or Night in....depends on where and with who...
7.  Coke or Pepsi....neither
8.   Laundry or dishes...laundry
9.  Football or Texas Rangers...
10.  Reality TV or sitcom....we tend to watch reality

11.  Electronic reader or paper back....paper back
12.  Facebook or Twitter...facebook
13. Eloping or wedding....Eloping
14.  Math/Science or Language Arts...Language Arts
15.  Salt or Pepper....salt
16.  Friday or Sunday...Sunday

17.   Movie theater or
18.  Paper newspaper or on line news...on line news
19.  Valentines Day or Thanksgiving...Thanksgiving
20.  Oscars or Grammy's....neither
21.  Gas stove or electric....electric
22.  Gold or silver....silver
23.  Coke or Tea...tea (decaffe)
24.  City or
25.  Diamonds are pearls...pearls
26. Peanut butter or jelly...Peanut butter all the way...
27.  Colors or black and white...both
28.  Online shopping or actual shopping...actual
29.  College or High school...high school
30.  Breakfast or Dinner...breakfast
31.  Make up your own for readers to answer:
Sweet pickles or Dill pickles....Dill pickles...
Join in with It's my life for This or That....


TexWisGirl said...

#5 made me laugh. :)

Bev said...

Interesting.... thanks for sharing!

Veronica and Daniel said...

Dill Pickles!

Diana LaMarre said...

I answered about 90% the same as you, Deb.

It was fun to read.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Happy Thanksgiving to you, and to yours... "Auntie"

Lani Derrick said...

So glad to have you link up! Where in Texas are you? We are from West Texas but live in Austin now:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a lot of these are my answers.
different answers are
DISHES, no sports at all, Kindle, 17 is neither rental or theater. no diamonds or pearls, no jewelery at all. other than that we match.

Susan said...

1. Chocolate!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you joined in. Of course it's dogs all the way! I don't drink either coke or pepsi either but when I did it was coke. My stove top is gas and my oven is electric. I will say both on the pickles :)

Judy said...

My favourite photo is the last one! Love those clouds!