Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veterans Day....
Thank you to all who have served our country...
those who are serving now...
to the families who stay behind...
praying and keeping the home fires burning...
the wind has been blowing...
and blowing...
the leaves are falling...
now I'm blowing...and blowing...
my nose...
I don't know if it is alergies....
or a cold....

whatever it is....I hope it passes quickly....
lot's of water....getting some rest....
watching Christmas movies on Hallmark....
folding clothes....napping....
Monday will be back to fast pace...


TexWisGirl said...

my allergies kicked up earlier this week but have gotten better, since. hope yours settle down, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the reminder about hallmark, i meant to DVR a couple of them. i had to go on Zyrteck 4 days ago for my allergies... i like that wash line pole and of course the human leaf blower that stays with you

Jeanie said...

I second your thanks to those who have served and those who are serving now.
I hope your allergies/cold resolve quickly.

Nancy said...

The wind has been horrible here too and my eyes were itching something terrible yesterday. Happy snoozing!

Dolores said...

Same here, strong winds, headache, and stuffy nose.
HotRod looks like a barrel of fun, cute pictures!

Michelle said...

I always feel like I step on the "weekly treadmill" on Monday mornings. They do come fast. Get better!

Janie said...

Sorry to hear about the sneezing and blowing. We're getting a lot of cold wind here. Hotrod sure is gentle with that bug!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I may well be the only one, who didn't note Veteran's Day, on THE day. I get so mixed up, with these 3 day weekends and when this and that are really celebrated.

Oh my, if the wind is blowing, betcha' it's allergies. Good luck! Hang a box of Puffs, around your neck and keep blowing!!!! ,-)

Ohhhh a real Because I Can last photo. Complete with tiny spider web. :-)))))

Thank you for reminding me of the Christmas movies on Hallmark. I just love, love, love these, with all the pretty decorations and pretty homes and etc. I'm in my Love-Sets-Glory!!! -grin-


Judy said...

Those are definitely boy hands, not baby hands any longer...
Glad you are feeling better!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Keeping them all close in my heart.
Looks like Hotrod is loving the leaves.