Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I thought I would share another recipe with you...
It is a fun bread recipe...
I'm so excited I have surprise visitors coming for Thanksgiving...
a sweet blog pal and her husband....
just a little teaser for next week...
you will have to come back to find out...
who it is..
how they get here...
where they are from....
what they think of TEXAS....

Hubby made potato soup for dinner tonight...
it was sure yummy...
I have some exciting photo shoots coming up...
exciting for me at least...
this Saturday is my niece's 2nd birthday...
Thanksgiving we will be doing our Christmas card photo...
the day after Christmas my Mom and her siblings
have their Thanksgiving dinner..
I will be going to do a photo shoot...
with the brothers and sisters...
I did one with the sisters this summer....

 I'm going to do a photo shoot with one of our dance girls...
she is a senior this year...I did her sisters birthday recently...
I really do love taking photos...
of course when I do it for others...I'm a lot harder on myself...
I always worry if they will like them or not...

Hotrods Tee pee....
I'm really enjoying teaching him about Thanksgiving...
we are having our traditional meal this year...
some years we go non traditional...
we've done Mexican.. BBQ....Steaks...
but this year its Turkey and Dressing with all the trimmings...
 Do you have any traditions you just can't do without on Thanksgiving?
One year we went out to dinner...
it was a real bummer...
not to have those left overs to fall back on...
sneak a bite of...


TexWisGirl said...

can't wait to hear more about your guests! :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You are having a blog pal, for Thanksgiving. :-)

And lots of Photo Shoots!


Karen Lakis said...

Special guests for Thanksgiving - now that is very exciting! Enjoy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the center of these flowers, like a mini spotlight shining out. love the heart shaped leaves to. i have had people ask me to do photo shoots but i am so hard on myself i will not do them. you go girl and take those photos. we went out for TG and Christmas last year and i loved it, bob missed the left overs, someone suggested i cook on another day and have the left overs, the object is to NOT COOK, so we will be going out for TG this year.

Susan said...

EVERY year I'm the one assigned the yams! Guess I'm good at that.

Surprise guest. Hmmmm......

Judy said...

Wow! You still have morning glories!! They are so pretty!