Thursday, November 8, 2012

 the ladybug from Texas is finally embracing Fall...
you know I like to hang on to Summer..
as long as possible...
I do realize Fall is almost done...

but living in Texas...
you can really celebrate the seasons whenever you want...
cause it may be Summer one Day...
the next day could be Spring...
or Winter or Fall..
or even all in the same day....
another reason I LOVE TEXAS...

I had my down day after the election...
now I'm ready to get back up...
with Hotrod around...
you can't stay down long...
he has a way of lifting your spirits...
by just flashing a smile....
or giving that extra special hug...

or telling his Pawpaw...
Once upon a time....Pawpaw...
naming his car Silver Bells...
because his Aunt Didi named her new car that...
or telling Hatari...
it's okay Batari...she will be back...
when she acts a little sad when my daughter drops her off...
and gives her a little kiss on the top of the head...
or says Oma lets lay on the ground....
so we get a blanket and lay on the ground...
Now that is what it is all about...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love seeing HR run through the clothes on the line, i can almost smell the clean smell of things that hang in sunshine and breezes.

Linda said...

It absolutely IS!!! Children help us stay centered! You and Amber are the only two people I know who love TEXAS summers!!!

TexWisGirl said...

cute little buddy. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I need me a Hotrod to make me smile. Still having a sad day.

Velva said...

This is what life is about...Enjoying life! Children have a way of bringing wonder to our everyday life.



Janie said...

Your scarecrows are so cute! I don't think they're scaring anyone....
Hotrod looks like he's having a lot of fun running through the clothes.

Michelle said...

How sweet that you lay on the ground on a blanket. That really is what it is all about.