Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thank you for all the birthday wishes to my Hubby...
I think he enjoyed his birthday...
I took him to dinner to a little bar/grill place he enjoys...
filled up the jukebox with songs that he likes...
we ran into a few old pals we haven't seen in a while...
I got a lot of text messages for him from friends and family..
he doesn't text...or FB...or email...
so everyone knows to send them to me to pass on....

it was a busy day for me...
my son had jury duty...
Hotrod and I dropped him off...the parking in downtown Dallas...
is ridiculous...we timed it just right...he was able to get
out at a red light...and we were able to make our turn...
no fuss no muss...except...
Hotrod was not happy for us letting out his Daddy....
he said I don't want Daddy to go to Judy Duty...
I had to laugh...made me think fo Judge Judy....
I don't think my son would of liked her courtroom...

I think the moon was effecting the dogs yesterday....
they were all acting nutty....every last one of them....
Hotrod got knocked down twice...
once by Rooster then once by Ginger...
all of them were acting like they hadn't seen people in months...
so I blamed it on the moon...

This is my Moms Christmas tree...
isn't it cute....
I always wait till December to put up my tree...
and decorations...we may get a real tree this year....
so we won't get it until closer to Christmas...
we are thinking about going to our property to cut one down...
a nice family adventure...
hopefully we can find one that will work...
we haven't been there since early summer...
with the drought we're not sure what the conditions are...
Hotrod and I have started our Christmas Crafts...
Christmas music is playing all the time now...
he knows a lot of the songs by heart now...
nothing sweeter than a 2 year old singing
I want a hippopatmus for Christmas...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am listening to the hippo song, a new one for me. if HR gets one i will come see it. LOL.
if that is your wall in the first pic, it is yet another thing we have a like, our wall looks just like that on the back of our house. your mothers tree is beautiful... I have to bring emails up for Bob to read, he has a couple of friends that send him airplane stuff to read or see, i pull it up and he reads, then i reply or delete.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Pretty tree.

Hooray for non-techy husband. Some of us have to hold out!

Doggies were acting funny, hu? Yes, must be the Full Beaver Moon of today. I've been *antsy* myself, for a couple of days! Been wondering if it was the full moon effect.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm waiting for december to think christmas.

the almost-full moon last night had the dogs hyper here, too. and the coyotes made at least 5 passes that i heard (i'm sure there were more that i managed to sleep thru!)

Just Mags said...

Hotrod not wanting his dad to go to Judy Duty made me cute. I wouldn't like to be in Judge Judy's courtroom either. :)

So the moon was the problem glad you solved that for me. Chancy was ornery all day yesterday and ran around like a wild dog...wondered what was going on with him. I will blame it all on the moon too.


Linda said...

Ahh.....I missed his birthday so I am sending a belated greeting!

Your mom's tree is nearly as lovely as SHE is!!!

That hippo song has always been a favorite with my older grandchildren. We found a you tube version that featured a real person who filmed his reflection in a door knob. It was the funniest thing EVER!!! I am off to look for it now!

We have a real tree this year but that's OK to get it early since it 'lives' outside!

nancygrayce said...

Poor little HotRod, it's always hard to leave daddy!

We have our tree up,but not decorated. I usually don't put out decorations until December, but gee, everyone has theirs up and I felt bad, so the Superhero put the tree up and I'm slowly putting the ornaments on.