Wednesday, November 7, 2012

 I went to bed with a heavy heart last night...
the results are in....
I applaud the people that voted...
exercised their rights...
though I do not agree with the results...
 I'm one to try to look at the good of everything...
I want to see the positive side...
I'm afraid this time...I'm having a hard time finding it...
this decision effects my family...
my business...
my country....
life will go on...
but I have a different view of our country now...

I will pray for our country....
I will pray for our government...

we need to stand strong for America...
we need to voice our concerns...
hold our officials accountable for bad decisions...
but most of all we need to look out for our families...

Thank you Mitt Romney for trying to save our country...
Thank you for a very nice speech..
you are a true gentlemen...
I hope I can get over this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach..
the heaviness in my heart...
God Bless America....
I'm drained...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love HR hand in that first shot and the one with him laying on his stomach.

TexWisGirl said...

we need to work together as people, not parties. the divisiveness is what is tearing us down.

pbrenner said...

I could not sleep last night, and told my son that he is not living in the country that I was born and raised in. With all due respect to TexWisGirl, if the divisiveness does not continue, it will be because conservatives cave in and compromise on their principles - something the liberals rarely, if ever, do. I fear most for what will happen to the Supreme Court - if it changes substantially (which I believe it will with the next round of retiring justices), our Constitution is so much scrap paper.

Gov Romney is a good man, and I think would have done good things for the country. I fear that it is too late to stop the snowball of what is happening. I'm praying very hard for us now.

Sorry for my negativity - prayer and kindness for everyone - thank you for bringing a smile to my face with your precious HotRod.


nancygrayce said...

I woke up this morning and cried and I don't cry! Then my precious Christ loving husband said, Nancy, God has not changed. I knew what he meant.....God is still in control, but I can't shake this heavy feeling. I called my older brother to make sure he was ok.....he was counting on the change.....this will directly affect the family small business which has been struggling. He's sad because it was my dad's business and has been in operation since 1936. All small businesses will feel this I'm afraid. May God have mercy on us all!

Susan said...

I went to bed with a heavy heart too. Saying my prayers last night I cried and I still have that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach too.
Mitt is a gentleman, and would have been a wonderful president. Now all we can do is pray for our country, and pray that Obama makes good decisions. Our biggest hope is our children and grandchildren.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Tears are in my eyes reading this.
I feel the same way, I am so broken and lost. I am ready to fight and I've never felt this way before in my life! I am focusing on God today and asking Him for help with my heart.

Judy said...

I love that photo of Hotrod in the tunnel of the blanket!!

Anonymous said...

Deb, yes, many of us have heavy hearts for our children, grandchildren, businesses, employment...I agree with pbrenner. BO wants to reach across the aisle to only find support for HIS causes. He's not there to compromise with Conservatives, which will further divide our nation. Maybe the pie-in-the-sky crowd will come around when all the goodies are passed out and the coffers are empty. *sigh* Now, my friend, chin up. We will all go through this together. Life is still beautiful. XO

Tanna said...

Me, too, Deb. :(

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Couldn't comment, till now. (Nov. 9)

We are screwed!!!

And we are Rome.


bj said...

I read your comment over at Auntie's...
I am heartbroken over the outcome of the election, too.
I truly think "we ain't seen nothing yet." and I am afraid .... afraid for my children and grandchildren and yet, know in my heart, life will go on.
I am not one to stir up trouble...and try to keep my blog PRETTY...and LIGHT....but I am also one to take a stand for what I believe. Just one picture of Pres. Obama with three little words ...WE ARE SCREWED, turned my comment section into a battleground. I was just STUNNED that my opinion was met with such uglyness. I am STILL stunned over it. Right now, I am NOT liking blogging very much. All the ladies that "loved" me when I was showing PRETTY...or GOOD TO EAT posts...but, boy, let me express an opinion that someone doesn't agree with and all hell breaks loose. Nope, I am not liking Blogland one bit right now.