Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I think the animals were enjoying themselves...
as much as the people were...
lots of animal lovers in one spot...
lots of cameras...lots of posing...
Don't tell Rooster...he likes to be the center of attention...
we are showing signs of Spring here in Texas...
my white Iris' are starting to bloom...
the sun is up earlier...sticks around longer...
the sun is out today...
the winds have died down...but I'm told they are coming back...
we have a few sniffles around here...
not a cold...I think the wind is doing it to us...
I'm noticing more and more birds...
they are stealing Shirley's peanuts...
I saw a little sparrow fly off with one...
didn't have my camera....
where do you get most of your blog ideas?
I tend to think of them when I'm in the shower...
or watching TV...or reading other blogs...
but if all else fails...I've got the weather to fall back on...
I read today that Valerie Harper
(Rhoda from Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rhoda)
has only a short time to live...
I always enjoyed her....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it made me sad when i saw Valerie has incurable brain cancer. i liked her in both the series she was in.
you know my heart is going pitty pat and that i scrolled through the pics twice... can't even pick a favorite, i love them ALL.... and i get a lot of my ideas in the shower and from things happening around the house... but i am struggling now for ideas...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it made me sad when i saw Valerie has incurable brain cancer. i liked her in both the series she was in.
you know my heart is going pitty pat and that i scrolled through the pics twice... can't even pick a favorite, i love them ALL.... and i get a lot of my ideas in the shower and from things happening around the house... but i am struggling now for ideas...

nancygrayce said...

I felt sad about Valerie Harper and pray she's a Christian. That Hope is our comfort.

Your animal photos are so great!

I'm having trouble thinking of blog posts. I do read other's posts and think, man, I could have talked about that. :). I think since my old son started reading and got so furious with me, I'm a lot more reluctant to post anything serious and I've always been pretty open on my blog. Oh, well.

A Colorful World said...

Such cute dogs, goats and horses! Love the horses blue eyes.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh that face on the second pic of a doggie!!!!

And the 2 gray hounds. I love, love, love rescued gray hounds!!!!!

Posting ideas? Whatever pops into my head. And yes, things pop into my head, when I'm not blogging. I have to write them down, in a little notebook, if I am to ever remember them, and use them. :-)

TexWisGirl said...

love the sweet horse shot and the golden...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This pictures are amazing. I love them. Yes it is very sad about Valerie Harper :( I posted on Facebook about her.