Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saturday night Rodeo at Cowtown Coliseum

Saturday...we loaded up the family...
headed to Ft. Worth...
we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse...
then on to The Rodeo at Cowtown Coliseum...
it was raining...
we made it just in time for the first bull rider...

The Bulls won...
not one rider stayed on for 8 seconds...
Hotrod had a blast....

I don't know which was more fun...
watching the Rodeo...
or watching Hotrod watch the Rodeo...
there were 3 girls sitting in front of us...
he had a blast talking to them...

The bulls were giving the clowns a tough time...
they earned their paycheck for sure...

This bull laid down coming out of the shoot...
the rider got to ride again....
still no 8 seconds...
The bronco busters did better...
a few of them qualified...
it was exciting to watch...

Hotrod got his chance to chase a sheep...
they released 2 had a ribbon...
this event was for 7 year olds and younger...
he had a blast running around...
I don't think he ever even got close to the sheep...
he was very disappointed when he had to go back to his seat...
of course I will have more photos to share...
we also took a road trip on Sunday...
One of my models turned on me...
details later....
don't ya just love a cliffhanger....


Anonymous said...

I always loved watching the little kids chasing the animals. Too funny! Looks like you had a great time at the rodeo. Was Josh Cole a bull rider?

Leave It To Davis said...

Yeow! That bull riding has got to hurt!! Why does anyone want to put their body through that? I have lived in Texas all my life and never been to a rodeo. Isn't that pitiful? They have them every July 4 right up the road from us...have been told George even rides here sometimes....or his son....not sure which the rumor

Hotrod is a cutie out there in the rodeo ring for sure. He'll probably be a contestant someday.

Nancy said...

I always love your rodeo shots -- the littles in the last photo are precious. :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Fun to let kiddies up!

Hard to sit 'em back down again! -giggggles-

a model turned on you? Yikes, hope it wasn't a BIG model. -grin-

Sarah said...

I absolutely love rodeos. When I was little I wanted to be a barrel racer...still do...kind of. Glad you all had a good time!

Sarah @ This Farm Family's Life

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that pic of HR in the field. i bet he loved chasing the sheep... i have always thought those clowns need their heads ex aimed. that is a scary bull chasing them

Shayla said...

your pictures are fabulous! I haven't seen bull riding in such a long time- thanks for the post!

Judy said...

Must have been fun watching the kids run around in the ring!!!