Thursday, March 14, 2013

how big a part does music play in your life???
do you hear a song...then it makes you remember
someone or something???
as everyone knows I love music...
while drying my hair this morning....
seems to be my best thinking time....
(Hotrods version of planking)
I started thinking about how songs bring back memories...
they almost transport me to that person or time...
whenever I hear any Marvin Gaye song...
I instantly think of my Mom...her T-Bird...
and us driving to get BBQ for Friday night dinner...
when I hear Stay all night stay a little longer....
by Willie Nelson...I think of my Hubby...
when our kids were babies...
he would sing this song to put them to sleep...
it was the only song he knew all the words too...

when I hear I love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts...
I think of Hubby and I dancing when we were dating....
I always sang it to him....he always laughed....
and got into his rock n roll dancing...

When I hear I'll fly away....
I think of my Nana....
when I hear Last Date by Floyd Crammer...
I think of my was the first song
he learned to play on the piano...he played it over...and
over...and over...(you get the point)
drove me NUTS....I would tell my Mom...
please make him stop...
then I would turn on Catscratch Fever by Ted Nugent...
as loud as it would drive him Nuts...
my poor Mom...
When I hear You can't Touch this by MC Hammer...
I see my son about 6 years old...
doing the MC Hammer dance...
trying to teach his baby sister to do it...
but she had her own ideas of dance...
she did her own thing from the very beginning...
When I hear Ronnie Milsap sing...
I think of a vacation I took with the Walkers...
a trip to Galveston in a motor home...
her middle sister played his songs over and over...
while French braiding our hair....
When I hear any Bee Gee song or Grease Song...
I think of my next door neighbor boyfriend...
when I hear You Light up my Life by Debbie Boone...
I remember laying on my bed...singing...
and dreaming of him...
I was 15....
When I hear any The Cars song...
I think of our trip to New Mexico...
my song listened to it all the way there and back...
in between his bouts with the stomach flu...
Any song from Dirty Dancing...
reminds me of my daughter...
when she was around 2 she had the chicken pox...
nothing made her happy accept watching Dirty Dancing...
I know it sounds bad...but she just liked the music...
and dancing...she didn't get the story line...
I could go on and on...but then you would get bored...
and I would get emotional...
Songs can make me happy...
songs can make me sad...
songs can make me move...
What song makes you get up and move...
no matter what???


RoeH said...

Music works a way in the brain that we have not yet understood how or why. We just know it does. My daughter is a Music Therapist in DC and the stories she has told on that on that subject and how it helps people and animals are fascinating. I had cat once that when I put on soft classical music, she would go over by the player, lay down by it and sleep. There was a reason that farmers would always milk the cows with music in the background. Very interesting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I get emotional...when I hear Amazing Grace, I played that by Leann Rimes at his graveside service, and Whispering Hope brings back my grandmorhter, mommy.
Songs can make me happy...
songs can make me sad...
songs can make me move...rock and roll from the 50's, can't sit still
What song makes you get up and move...any song of any kind that has lots of DRUMS, i love drums.
no matter what???
love all the pics on this post and your memories make me smile.

Susan said...

I love music. It moves the soul better than anything else. I love your photos so much!

Leave It To Davis said...

On my only trip to New Mexico when I was about 12 and riding in the car with my mom, Quin The Eskimo came on the radio and she said she liked that song...and I said I LOVED that song...and we connected right there and then. We were best friends after that.

Speaking of my mom, she loved Dirty Dancing so much after my daughter and I took the video over to her house to watch with her that she went out and bought the video herself. My daughter and I went to Austin to see the Dirty Dancing was wonderful. I remember Bill Medley and Eric Carmen singing on stage and there were dancers, but other than that, I don't remember specifics....just that it was great.

You Light Up My Life was actually used in a movie by the same name...don't remember which was written first, but the song by Debbie Boone was released first..and then my hubby and I went to the theater to watch the was a disaster...complete flop!

I could go on and on about everything you mentioned...but then YOU would be bored. lol Yes, music has played a huge part in my life and I am so glad that if you say just the right thing, a song comes into my head. And like you, it can make me smile, or cry, or just be melancholy...because it touches my soul.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh yes! Songs, like smells, evoke memories!

What song makes me "have to move"? Like I have told you, most any music makes me NEEEED to move. :-)

I can't understand how other people, do not have this need, inside them. :-)


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Btw, I can't sing, or play a musical instrument, and I was never known as being particularly "musical."

Perhaps, to make up for those lacks, I got the gene, which makes me FEEEEEEEL music. :-)


A Colorful World said...

Once I saw a program that said that the universe is made up of musical notes...not just math, but music. The music version is much more romantic and beautiful than the math version, though they are so closely related. We respond to music, I think more than any other medium that comes into our lives, because it is all around us all the time, triggering memories, encouraging or saddening us. My Grandmother song isn't I'll Fly Away, but another old hymn...(also in O Brother Where Art Thou) called Angel Band. It was her favorite hymn. It always makes me think of her!

Carla said...

Oh yes I love music. I used to listen to Gary Pucket and the Union Gap. They had this song that said "Come back when you grow up girl" Have heard it a long time but it makes me laugh because my mom thought it said come back when you throw up. eww but funny. When I hear Last Kiss released by Wayne Cochran in 1961 I think of going on field trips and Mildred White. She could belt out a tune. But the whole bus sang that song. Funny right now I can't think of any current song names but my favorite Texas singers are Jesse Dayton, Davin James, Max Stallings and Blacktop Gypsy and the list goes on.