Friday, March 22, 2013

My good deed for the day...

 yesterday I came home and found this Hawk...
laying on the side walk...
Rooster was circling him...
but not trying to get him...
I got Rooster and put him in the other part of the yard...
 I could see that he was breathing...
so I called see if I should call Animal control...
he said no...asked if I could pick him up...
I said no way....I had Hotrod with me...
so I saw a crate....I took Hotrod to the other side of the fence...
told him to stay put...
 I looked at our bedroom window...
saw a few feathers stuck to it...
we have birds hit it all the time...
I think he was probably chasing a Starling..
hit the window...and it knocked him silly...
 I put the crate over him...he laid there a while...
then stood up....I think he was starting to get his senses back...
 I decided I would pull off the crate after I put Hotrod down
for his nap...after the Goose attack....
I'm a little leery of birds...
about the time I was going to do it...
my son stopped by...
so he let it out for me...
off it flew...a little crooked...
I did my good deed for the day...


TexWisGirl said...

yay! glad he recovered and really glad the pups didn't destroy him.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yah from me to and that was a great idea, not sure i would have thought of that to protect him while he came back around. we have had birds hit our windows a few times, and they lay on the ground for a while and then fly away....he is a fine specimen of a hawk.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sweet of you to help him and I'm glad he is okay!

Kay said...

Good for you. :-)

Susan said...

That is awesome! I've never been that close to a hawk.

RoeH said...

I need a kleenex. Poor little guy. So glad it turned out as great as it did. By the time I got to the 'flying into the window' part, my brain had gone over every BB gun or real gun holder on the planet and DANG THEM ANYWAY.... and ......*sigh* -- just glad it turned out good for him.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Yikes! I hate to find an injured "anything."

The Goose attack....? Did I miss something? Guess I did....


Jeanie said...

Wow, I'm glad that turned out okay for both you and the hawk....yes, you did do a good deed.

nancygrayce said...

Glad he was ok! And yes, that was cat inlay a good deed.

pbrenner said...

I'm so glad he was just stunned, and that you protected him until he was able to fly away. It's smart not to mess with them, those claws and beaks can do some damage!


Leave It To Davis said...

You are an angel!!! I am so glad you saved him. I would never have thought about putting something around him to keep him from harm. Ingeneous!

Linda P said...

Glad the hawk recovered. It must have given the window quite a thud, too. Thank goodness all was well after a while. Hope you have a good weekend and keep warm!

Judy said...

So glad Rooster was protecting him from harm till you got there, and that he was able to fly away under his own power!!!

A Colorful World said...

Oh, Deb! I am so happy you saved this hawks life! How wonderful to get to see him up close, too.

Michaele said...

Oh - Bless you real good!!