Monday, March 11, 2013


 Sunday Hubby and I take a little road trip...
we go to Cedar Creek Lake area....
Texwis Girls neck of the woods...
then we head to our property in Eureka...
there is a lake there we have been wanting to take a look at...
Lake Halbert
we have driven past it many times...
but never stopped....
I was excited....they had ducks...geese...
while hubby talked to a fisherman on the dock...
I headed over to the water fowl...
look at this handsome fellow...

He was posing so nicely....
I was snapping away.....
talking to him....
aren't you a handsome guy....

peek a boo....
yep I'm still here....
smiling...snapping...having a nice time....

the next thing I know...
this guy is in my face...
slamming me with his head...
no pecking...just hitting me...
well...I start screaming like a girl...
going in circles...well he's following me...
jumping up at me...
by this time Hubby and Rooster are headed my way...
I think in my head...oh Prince is here to save me...
well I was wrong...he was laughing so hard...
he almost fell down...
Rooster was wanting to help me...
but Hubby didn't want him to hurt the Goose...
or so he says...
I think he was worried about the Goose hurting Rooster...
or he was just enjoying watching his wife run around...
like a nut...screaming like a girl...
waving her arms and kicking in the air...
finally the Goose decided I was boring...
and went back to his pals...
to do a little bragging I'm sure...
The fisherman came up about that time...
told us how the same Goose had attacked his 3 year old niece..
took a chunk out of her leg...
he kicked it to get it back...
the game warden gave him a ticket...
So if you ever go to Halbert Lake
don't get close to the big white goose....
he looks all sweet and innocent...
but believe you me...he is NOT....
My first experience of When Models ATTACK...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

when models attack!!! no wonder hubby was laughing, i am tooooo
i love the shot of peek a boo... glad HR was not there to get in on the show... he is a fine looking goose, maybe for thanksgiving dinner? LOL

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

hehehehe Deb!
They are known for their attacking!
My Mom had one, no one could ever get in her house or out of it without that goose going after them.
Well except my Mom.
He never bothered her.
I used to carry a broom when we visited. ha!
Glad your ok,

Diana LaMarre said...

Sounds scary, Deb. Glad you didn't get hurt too badly!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Now that would have scared me for sure. They can be so aggressive. You did get some great pictures of him and the other ducks.

TexWisGirl said...

well, he sure was beautiful (as were your photos) while it lasted! :)

sorry your visit to this direction wasn't as pleasant as it could have been! :)

Michelle said...

This sounds like something that would happen to me! lol My husband would react in the exact same way! Glad you were not seriously hurt.

Jeanie said...

Yikes! If I had been you I think I would have been laughing and scared to death at the same time. I'm glad he was just hitting, not pecking.

Linda said...

Good grief!! You real photographers have a hard time of it!!!
Glad you weren't hurt!!

Susan said...

Why that stinker, how dare he! At least you got some awesome pics.

Leave It To Davis said... funny! At a park here that we went to last year in the spring, I was taking pictures of geese and ducks and then the urge hit me and I needed to (sorry) I started to the ladies room...and there was a big white goose guarding the door...and he wouldn't let me by....and my hubby came and distracted him so I could go....and then the goose grabbed my hubby's crotch of his jeans...and hubby had to kick him off...sorry...that was an important area to protect. Seems there was a MRS. Goose in the shrubs just outside the restrooms and she was sitting on her eggs...which was why the papa goose was so dang MEAN. I posted about April 2, 2012 post titled, "Bluebonnets, bluebonnets, bluebonnets oh so blue". That makes you want to go take a look, doesn't it? I mean with a wordy title like that, what will the post be like? wordier! lol Glad you got away unscathed!

Linda P said...

Oh dear! Glad you are ok. You got some good pictures - the goose is a handsome bird - so white, but no sweetness and light there. I'm very wary of geese and swans.

RoeH said...

I remember childhood experiences at the next farm up the road from ours. They had some mighty mean geese. But they're sure pretty.

Judy said...

I have seen a swan bite when the food ran out, but never a goose...
So glad you are not injured, except for your pride...

Carla said...

OMG so glad you're okay but your description of the attack had me laughing.
You got some great shots though. Now you should have ended your post with a picture of roasted goose. Of course I know you wouldn't have hurt the goose or would you.
Glad you're okay.