Thursday, March 7, 2013

People watching....Freak Flag..

I love people watching...
I love people that aren't afraid to be themselves...
let their freak flag fly....
so to speak...
I'm happy to say I'm finally at a time...
where I don't care what others think...
being myself...wear a crazy hat...
do a jig in public...
dance in the truck....with music up loud...
sing with Hotrod (loudly)... off key....
skip...hop....twirl my skirt...
it feels's not hurting others....
you know what I found out...
most people want to do the same thing...
how about you???
do you ever let your freak flag fly?


TexWisGirl said...

really like how you presented the first 2 photos. very clever!

Deborah Hamilton said...

I agree. Be yourself. It's a shame it took me 60 years to figure that out. That's a beautiful cable sweater!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have to say i don't have a freak flag and have never let it fly... maybe i need one. these hats and boots are cool and make for great photo ops... looks like there were a lot of hats. i did let my freak flag fly sometimes at the nursing home, the 4 years i volunteered. the residents loved things like this.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

"Ever", she asks? How about ALWAYS?

This is wild-child-"Auntie" who is talkin' here, ya' know. :-))))))))

Michelle said...

Gotta love a man in a kilt!

Linda said...

Yup! I just came in from doing some art outside in what looks like a gypsy tent with curtains billowing out on three sides with every puff of wind. AND I was painting a Santa Claus! In MARCH!

As Popeye says, "I YAM wut I YAM!!"

Do you go to Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie? GREAT people watching!

Leave It To Davis said...

I have never been the sort to "put on airs" so to speak. I am what I am...and you can take me or leave me like that. I am not going to behave in a manner just to please someone else. That is not to say that I am not courteous. I am...and I consider other people's feelings and rights, but I also have feelings and rights, and if I want to scream loud at the top of my lungs at a rock concert, you better bet I will...even if the person in front of me turns around and glares at me...that is what a rock concert is let loose. Now, if I was at a Christian concert, I would act totally different...not because I am putting on airs, but because there is a time and place for everything...and I think that is a time for respect to be shown. But, I do agree with should definitely do a jig or dance down the street if that is how you feel!

Tanna said...

LOL! My children would love it if I had kept my freak flag in check while they were growing up. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

I like that saying - let your freak flag fly. lol The only kind of freak flags flown in this area are redneck. Kinda boring.
Yes, I feel the same as you. Don't really mind any more what people think - girls just wanna have fun... :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree with you, I don't worry anymore about what people think.
It's very freeing! However I won't go to the mailbox in my rob and PJ's.....I will never be a Walmart person they are way too freaky!