Monday, March 25, 2013 you ever want to just slam on your breaks...
slow things down...

 or  do you want to run...
just run as fast as you can???
 do you ever feel like your hanging on for dear life??
like your on a run away horse...
(I know it's blurry...but thought it made a good effect)
and then someone comes along...
pulls you up...
 things feel right again...
maybe just by giving you a smile...
or the sound of their voice...
they might not even know...
how a tiny little thing they do...
can make your world feel right again...
smiling at the person in the car next to you...
saying hello to your neighbor...asking about their health...
opening a door for a Mom with kids in tow...
calling a old friend just to say Hello...
can improve someone's day...
maybe yours too...


TexWisGirl said...

i agree with that! we can get immersed in our own lives that just the simplest of gestures - from us to another or from them to us - can open our view wide open!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have been there done that on every one of these things you listed. life is a roller coaster ride, or like this post, a bucking bronco ride.
once i was sitting in line to pay a toll to get across the SunShine skyway bridge, I was crying, tears flowing and when i pulled up to pay my dollar, the lady said the woman in the car ahead of you paid your toll and said to tell you to have a nice day. i stopped crying and felt so much better.

Bev said...

So true!!

Janie said...

Love the rodeo pics, Deb. Those are some great shots. Your thoughts on kindness reminds me of a blog post by a young mother that I read recently. She was feeling isolated in her little kid world, but a shopping trip where everyone seemed to be friendly, smiling, and talkative, lifter her spirits considerably. The friendly shoppers never knew what a difference they made.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know exactly what your talking about!

Michelle said...

Life can be just crazy. We must take it as it comes.

nancygrayce said...

I love that! Most days I'm holding on like the cowboy on the bronco....only I'm not as good as he is!

I've always said "smile when you're in public, even if you don't want makes others feel better and eventually you'll start to feel better too". Doesn't always work to make me feel better, but I do it anyhow.

Susan said...

Oh boy, do I identify with all those feelings. Lately I've felt the need to run, but where would I go? Right now, I'm just hanging for dear life.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! A wonderful way to explain life! Love the rodeo pictures.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Sweet post.

Well illustrated.

Thank you.

Gentle hugs,