Monday, June 3, 2013

 Class of 2013.....
we went to a ceremony yesterday....
celebrating 7 of my daughters dance girls...
we met them when my daughter was 12...
she started a dance program at the Trinity River Mission...
the first group to start was a group of first graders...
two of them have stayed with dance the entire time..
the others moved on to other activities...
after spending a few or more years dancing...
but they will always be our dance babies...
or TRM girls...
 we are so proud of each of them....
and expect to see great things in their futures...
 these two are going to be college room mates this fall...
look out TWU....
it was a nice ceremony celebrating these young women...
I do have one question...
why do they always pick speakers for graduations...
and these events...that go on FOREVER....
they always loose the crowd about half way through...
then apologize at the end for running over time....
It was be so nice to find someone...
that would just get up there and be short and sweet...
just saying...
 Hotrod is adjusting to the new house....
he spent the night with us Saturday night...
so last night was his first night there...
 I'm still tired from last week...
long days...short nights (or so it seemed)
now these are the girls I know and love...
fun...and crazy...
look out they come....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful girls and i wish them the best ever... love that little foot in the sandal... so cute. i am happy to hear is likes his new house.

TexWisGirl said...

the girls are gorgeous! i hope they have bright futures full of love!

i was wondering about hotrod. :)

Anni said...

What a beautiful group of gals!!! And the smiles...they're contagious.

Hi Deb...thanks for stopping by my birding photo blog. I loved having you visit and introducing yourself. From one Texan to another.

Not only do I have the bird photo blog, but I also work on my personal blog a bit more often.

Do stop by and say 'howdy' any ol' time!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Congratulations to the lovely Graduates!!!

Speakers. How dare they rattle on and on and on? They should be embarrased to do so. Everyone knows that no one at a Ceremony, wants to listen to them prattle on!


Or...... There is always, the old fashioned hook, from Vaudavile Days!

Linda said...

You SHOULD be tired!! You work HARD!

bj said...

All the girls are beautiful...good good luck to all of them. :)

Susan said...

They are all beautiful! Our future standing there, in those awfully high heels. I'd break my neck wearing those! Ahhhhh, youth.

Anonymous said...

I wish them the best they are all young beautiful young ladies and on the way too being what they have chosen to be in sucess career. Hard work is coming be prepared and I mean hard work.

All the fun and games are over in school time. Down to brass knuckles, late hours studying till like three P.M, projects dead line. Nerve biting and yes tears at time being shed. Be good to your room mates, get along as it is a full year ahead with them. Believe me I have heard it all by other young ladies of Doom and Gloom and my Granddaughter. The first years are the worse. Your left on your own to figure it all out. Parents have not a clue as what your doing.So may the girls spend parents money well as your marks have to be in the 70's average all the time . If you can get above it is a real bonus.

No fooling around here.

So do the dance of ( You can Do It )
Stick with it. Your future depends on You girls.

Gods blessing . I will be praying for you for a good year.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

A wonderful group of girls! It is bittersweet to watch them grow up!

EG CameraGirl said...

They look so happy! So much to look forward too!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are sweet photos of the girls. How awesome to have known them so long and follow in their lives. Hope Hotrod adjusts quickly to his new home.

Janie said...

They look like a group of girls who know how to have fun. I agree with you about graduation ceremonies. They're always about an hour too long.