Saturday, June 8, 2013

 It was a rough week for the Ladybug from Texas...
I finally through in the towel on Thursday....
went to the Dr......
I kept thinking I would get better....
but the coughing....aching...fever....nose issues...
just would not go away....
 usually after a day or two on cough medicine...inhaler...asprin....
I'm in good shape....I didn't get a cold all winter long...
my allergies have been pretty good...
compared to everyone else's....
I started thinking maybe I was just being a sissy...
surely I didn't really feel this bad....
must just be my imagination....
my skin hurt...just my shirt touching my skin hurt...
it was all I could do to make it through the day....
 my daughter was a great help with Hotrod...
and with the phone in the office...
cause it is our busy time of the year...
the more I talked on the phone...
the worse my cough got...
day to day business just won't stop...
even for a minute for this ladybug....
so on Thursday I told my daughter...
I can't take this any more I'm going to the Dr....
Hotrod was down for his nap....she took over the phones...
I went to the Dr.....
of course you always have to wait...
so I sat and coughed...blew...coughed ...sneezed...
my fever shot up....
answered all the questions in between said episodes...
let me listen to your lungs....
hmmmm he said....breath deep....
well that didn't happen.......more coughing...
are you a smoker? Nope never have...
the wheezing is really bad.....
he pulled out his prescription pad and went to town...
antibiotics...steroids....cough medicine with codeine...
over the counter Musinex.... myinhaler....
that night is a blurrr.....fever went up to almost 102...
drugs kicked in.....
The pharmacist told me...the steroids might make you jittery...
but the cough medicine will relax you....
well that was good to know...
Friday morning I woke up...
soaking wet...the fever had broke....
I'm still weak....still cough...but it's productive...
still feel like I've been hit by a runaway train...
I lived on Popsicles...crackers...water...lemonade....
so that's my story....
Thank you for all the well wishes...
I really enjoyed reading them all...
hopefully will be able to get all caught up soon...
Hotrod is doing great...
kids they bounce back so quick...
he didn't have Bronchitis...


TexWisGirl said...

oh, man! that was rough for you! glad the fever broke! no wonder you ached all over!

Jeanie said...

What a rought time for you. Good thing you decided to go to the doctor. I hope you are back to 100%very soon.

Anonymous said...

You dont have Shingles do you?

Saying your skin hurts to put shirt over.

Some friends I have went to dr and she never spotted it. Yet two days after same thing the clothes hurt on body.

They had shingles. Hubby and I took Shingles shot but it is a last time.

Keep and eye on it. Well as I read further on your blog. Looks like you do not have shingles. Good.

I know in Canada that cough is going around and fever..

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, you really got sick. I'm glad you went to the doctor. As much as I dislike taking steroids they do work miracles in the lungs. Hope you continue to feel better. ((HUGS))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to see this post, which means you are getting better.. it will take time for the cough to go away... and of course it happened in the heat wave which spiked your business... i love the towel on the line and it looks to me like you did not THROW in the Towel, But Pinned that towel.. hope you get better and 100 percent SOON

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

OHWOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what? My "magic" pills, were Steroids too, and my "Magic elixir" at night, was cough medicine with codine.

Pharmacist husband is scolding me in the background. I do not have the right attitude here. With all this jolllliness. LOL! But oh baby, I am still doooooooing MORE, a week after stopping the Prednisone Steriod.

Can't wait to see how it effects you.

I had to take 3 a day, for 3 days... Then 2 a day, for 3 days... Then 1 a day for 3 days... Though.

Anyway, what's important is... You went to doc, finally. So did I, finally. He checked you and gave you meds. Same here. You will get better. I did!!!!!!!


RoeH said...

Wow. Nothing worse that something like this in the summertime. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

Susan said...

Oh Deb, you have been so sick! Hopefully that medicine will work it's wonders and you will be well soon! Take it easy!

pbrenner said...

So sorry you're feeling so poorly - it's good that you went to the dr, and hopefully all those meds get you feeling better sooner rather than later!


Nancy said...

Bronchitis is no fun -- take care dear!

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

Oh! Sorry to hear you're so sick. It's good you're on all the right medicines now and starting to get better. Hope it's a fast recovery.

Just Mags said...

Sorry to hear sweet Deb that you have been so sick. Happy you are seeing some improvement though. Hoping and praying you will soon be all well. Glad Hotrod is doing okay. Hugs

Michelle said...

Do take care of yourself!

nancygrayce said...

Oh, that's sick! I'm glad you went to the dr. or you might have ended up with pneumonia! Hoping you are better soon!

Judy said...

Poor you!!!! But I am so glad you are feeling better, and that you have family to look after you when you are down for the count!!! Get better!!

Tanna said...

So glad you went to the Doctor, Deb! Mercy! Glad you are better!! Whew, that was a tough time! blessings ~ tanna

Janie said...

Sorry to hear you were so sick, but at least it sounds like you're on the mend now.
Take care of yourself!