Wednesday, June 19, 2013

 I decided to play a bit...
"because I could" Thank you Sandra....The Madsnapper...
she has made playing cool...
This is my original photo...
 I always have to do black and white...
they just make me smile...
 PicMonkey has the neatest things to try....
I I could use all the cool stuff...
even if you don't join there are fun things to do....
 It's going to be a great weekend...
My daughters Dance Recitals are on Saturday...
this will be our Senior Elisa's last show...
before she heads off to college...
And the best of all Hotrod's 3rd birthday party....
Pawpaw is building him a club house....
Shhhh don't tell anyone....
 We've had a busy June so far...
lot's of celebrations...
I feel very fortunate to be a part of....
I have my first tomato that is almost ripe...
Can't wait to eat refreshing...
We are already eating squash and cucumbers...
I have spaghetti squash almost ready...
Hotrod got to eat his first strawberry on Sunday....
I got to it before Ginger did...
 The mosquito's are terrible right now...
Hubby sprayed...then it rained the next day...
he is going to spray again this week...
hopefully it won't get washed away this time...
 The movie Grease came out 35 years ago this month...
I remember going to see it at the movies...
I went with my then boyfriends Mom, Sister, Aunt and Grandma...
it is one of my all time faves....
Last night Hubby and I were talking...
we didn't know what day of the week it was...
we had to stop and think to figure out if it was Tuesday or Wednesday... This time of year our days all seem to run
together...They start early and end late...
not complaining though...we are fortunate to have
our business stay busy...
Happy Hump Day everyone....


nancygrayce said...

Beautiful wedding pics!

We are both celebrating 3rd birthday with grandsons! Our little one has his birthday this coming weekend.

Have a great dance recital!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Delightful photo! With which to play, play, play. :-)

I remember "Grease" coming out too!!! But I had kids, by then. :-)

Actually, it reminded me of my "youth." Going out with the cutest guy, who was sort-of ahead of his time, in loving Elvis and the pegged black pants and the duck tail hair and etc. Did I say he was soooo cute? -gigggles- Yes I did!

Enjoy your full days!!!! You are making memories!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you will find so much fun in PM.. i think i like this one best in black and white... love those bubbles... and we do the same thing here about which day it is...what does he spray for mosquitoes ours are about to carry us away

TexWisGirl said...

really is a great scene to play with.

Michelle said...

I do like the effect on the last photo, especially. Nice work!

Willow said...

There are some nights I get so caught up playing with photos . Great fun.

Judy said...

I love all those bubbles!!! And you sure had fun playing with all the filters, etc!
I know what you mean about the days running together - I tend to try and remember what I last watched on TV, to figure out what day it is.

Carla said...

Okay I like that one pictures with like the light rays radiating out from the bride. Was that in picmonkey? And what effect was it? Now I want to go play and can't.