Monday, June 10, 2013

 it was a beautiful weekend...
we had sunny skies...
then over night Saturday we had rain....
boy did we have rain.....
 something we sure could use....
the plants and animals are truly enjoying it...
us people too....
 strawberry almost ready to pick....
Hotrod is excited....
 my to do list is busting at the seams....
My niece is getting married this weekend...
of course I've got to find something to wear...
for the Hubby also....
if it was a jeans and boots affair we would be ready...
or a swimsuit and cutoff affair....
 I have a couple of photo shoots to do...
a senior shoot....was suppose to do it last week...
but that didn't work out....her party isn't till the end of June...
so that gives me a little lead way...
and I have Hotrods 3rd birthday shoot...
we have a tradition of taking his photo at a park in our
downtown area....
can't wait to see what he has in store for me this year...
Father's Day is on Sunday....
Hotrod and I have projects to get done....
I'm starting to over whelm myself...
every year I do a photo book for Hotrods birthday...
with photos from his last birthday up to before his this birthday...
kind of a year in review...
well...picking the photos is hard...
cause I take soooooo many...
then I have to try to remember which ones I've used
on other projects.... I don't want to duplicate....
speaking of this project I need to get back to it...
Oh and one of the photos I sent to my Mom's reunion...
a 5x7 photo of the Texas flag....
sold for $25 to one of my cousins....
woo hoo...all of them sold....


TexWisGirl said...

glad you are feeling better, obviously! as you've got a lot to do! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all these flower fotos are awesome...and i am tired just reading your to do list... stop reading comments and get to it girl....times awasting

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Mmmmmm, you are certainly sounding better! In fact, you sound a bit more-than-better. -giggggles- Our Magic Meds Effect!!!

Just remember, you have been very sick. And your body still needs re-coup time, of rest. Even though you may feellllllllllll like "Queen Of The Universe"!

"Auntie" has been there. "Auntie" knows...


Jeanie said...

My grandson that is close to Hotrods age is very excited about the strawberries in their garden also. Good luck with all that you have to get done.

Susan said...

sounds like you are feeling better. Just don't OVER do! Good luck kiddo on all the things you need to do.

Nancy said...

Try not to overdo. We don't want you relapsing. :)

Judy said...

What a great idea for Hotrod!!! Saves all the scanning and figuring that my sisters and I are doing now...
Talk about rain!! - We had an inch and a quarter on Thursday/Friday, and the rain gauge is overflowing again today...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That photo book for Hotrod sounds wonderful. My kids just did one for my dad as a birthday gift with pictures of them with him while they were growing up. I am going to make him a birthday book after his party.
Your flowers pictures are so beautiful. Don't stress, everything will come together. Have a fun time at the wedding.

Carla said...

I used to do a photo book every year for my daughter then I started scrapbooking every year.

Hope you didn't over do with all the activities you mentioned in this post. I guess as I catch up with my reading I'll find out.