Friday, June 28, 2013

 Summer is here....
we had our first 100 degree day yesterday...
going to be over 100 today...
then a cool front will knock us back down to the 90's...
 Hotrod spent a good 30 minutes yesterday....
filling his bucket up from the pool...
taking it to this plastic container...
he told me "Oma...I have work to do..."
 we are so enjoying our sunflowers...
so are the bees and wasps...
they don't bother us...
we don't bother them....
Friday got here quick this week...
looking forward to the weekend...
not quite as busy as we have been...
we do have a fish fry to go to...
hoping to get to go to the lake...
I've been missing my lake time....
hope you all have a fantastic summer weekend...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the sunflowers are amazing. wish we had planted some of them. i love that first flat out in the pool shot... looks like you could lay down in it to... i used to do that with my boys little pool. while they napped i laid in their pool in the sun tanning

Nancy said...

Okay, so I'm going to get out a storage tub and play in the water today. :)

TexWisGirl said...

i'm looking forward to the cool down!!!

Kay said...

I need to get one of those little wading pools for my dog Hiker and me. LOL.

Linda said...

So happy to hear about the 90's coming back. I never hear weather reports anymore. If Louis Dean has TV on it's on Fox News.
Can't WAIT to get to do things with the quads in their own back yard which YOU would LOVE, by the way!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Wondering when you get outside, in this 100 degree weather??????

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your sunflowers are so pretty. I love it..."Oma I have work to do!" Have fun at the lake.

Susan said...

I need to get me a pool like that. I need it just for me to sit in. To hot here!

Judy said...

I love that first image of Hotrod!!! That is the sort of posture I wish I was in...