Sunday, June 30, 2013

 Having a little fun....
with the sun...
and my sunflowers...
 the weekend passed too quickly...
it was a nice weekend...
I managed to do a few crafts I've been wanting to do...
do a little thrift shopping...bumped into my Mom...
she had the same idea I did....
great minds think alike...
 my patio was a mess...
so I got it cleaned up... we have more seating...
Hotrods things are more organized...
Hubby and I went to a graduation party...
then a fish fry got caught up with dear friends...
Have you noticed how free folks are telling their problems
now amazes me the things people will tell...
I would never discuss some of the things that
people tell me...some are perfect strangers...
but proceed to tell me anyway...
I got my ear bent at the fish fry...
I was just shocked the things this lady was telling me...
I only see her a few times a year...
It is a changing world...
not always for the best...


Linda said...

Loved the sunflowers! I have seen a lot of them lately - all growing perfectly straight and even along a fence. Mine tended to be ugly and crooked!
Some people are more private than others and some people need to talk and will talk to ANYONE who will listen. I may have been guilty of the same thing during a bad time in my life. Perhaps they feel you are a 'safe' person. Who knows? Just don't let other people's problem get YOU down!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great fun with the sun and the sunflowers.. i am like the lady you talked to, anything that happens to me, i tell all... i think some people tell nothing and others tell all, it is a persoanilty trait. you might have been talking to a lady like a woman i know at the Y, she tells all on and on and on and on every detail down to the color of polish on her toes.. i am not that way I HOPE... i don't think i would share some things about me at a fish fry, but who knows, my mouth has a mind of its own.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Love your playing with the sun on sun flowers!

We can't seem to grow them.

You my Dear, have a kind face. That may be why people tend to confide in you.

Hope all our new posts, show up somewhere, today, for our Dear Readers!

TexWisGirl said...

isn't this morning GORGEOUS?! wheeeee!!!

love the sunflowers. glad you had a great weekend!

Sue said...

I love, love, love the pictures of your sunflowers! So beautiful!! I work retail with my business, so I work with the public. There are times that people are telling me stuff, and I just look at them and wonder to myself, "what is wrong with you"! It's pretty amazing, isn't it!

Take care,

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes it is a changing world. Love your sunflower photos.

Judy said...

The sunflowers are gorgeous!!! Will you get to keep any of the seeds for winter, or will the squirrels get them all before they are ripe?
And, yes, I think the world has swung too far toward telling everyone your business. Can't there be a happy medium??