Friday, June 21, 2013

Hotrod doing his 1st day of Summer Dance...
he takes after his Oma....


Linda said...

He is growing UP!!!! We have enjoyed watching him do so through your blog! He is PRECIOUS!!!

Susan said...

He is so darling! Ah, to be a kid again!

RoeH said...

So Cute! I agree. If we could just go back for a day.

nancygrayce said...

He's so cute! Man I'm loving your couch in the background....I remember when you posted about that!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Excuse me, if I thought he was doing "some thing else."

Nana gigggggggles...

Happy June Strawberry Full Moon!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh he is soo cute and excited I can see. I too thought he was doing a we boy dance. You know when we say. Derek do you have to go pee. pee. Most boys when involved in fun time.

They jiggle about and hold rather then run to the boys room.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so cute and full of joy... my two favs are the two with sunglasses. adorable..can't believe he is 3

Dolores said...

Oh my goodness, this precious little boy is growing up right before our eyes.
Looks like the perfect dance to me.....

Nancy said...

Hee hee -- he reminds a little of my youngest. Love those blonde-headed lil' guys.

Judy said...

I was wondering if the pavement was too hot...