Friday, July 26, 2013

I posted this photo on Facebook...
it is Hubbies family....
His Dad and siblings...
well his cousins loved it...
it brought back all kinds of memories...
and maybe...finally a family reunion....
it was fun reading through all the comments...
and hearing the different prospective they each had...
funny how a photo...
a song...a movie...
can bring back so many memories...

funny how we all remember things...
but not always in the same way....

I'm excited...
I'm having a girls night out with my girls...
My Mom...Daughter...and DIL...
we are riding the train down to Dallas....
for dinner and fun...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ohhhhhhh i want to gooooooo with you. i love trains... that is a great shot from the past

TexWisGirl said...

pretty skies! have fun tonight!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a great evening and weekend. Love the family picture and great shots of the evening sky!

Susan said...

I hope you have a fun and safe time!

Dolores said...

Your girl's night out sound like so much fun!!!!!

Your sky pictures are gorgeous.....
I'm with you on memories of smell, music etc etc....they can sure take one back in time.
Enjoy your weekend, I know you will!!!

Just Mags said...

I love the old pictures from the past. Your girls night out sounds like so much fun. Enjoy!!! Hugs

Judy said...

Gorgeous sunset!!! And I love that old photo!! So spontaneous!!

nancygrayce said...

I love old family photos and oh, they do bring so many memories!!