Friday, July 12, 2013

a little Rainstorm....
makes for high humidity...
 the plants sure love it....
they were all hanging there heads a bit....
the little bit of rain perked them up...
 I'm looking forward to my weekend adventure...
Border patrol is on duty...
caregivers are set to go....
our Son and daughter will take over the business...
time to enjoy....
Sending out prayers for Randy Travis....
I've always loved his music...
he is in critical condition...
I will leave you with one of his songs...
one of our Texas residents...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

have a wonderful time this week end, and I saw the news about Randy yesterday.. not good news for him... the flowers are beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

i was so hopeful yesterday - not a drop of rain here. just dark clouds and rumbles all around.

enjoy your weekend! with 'cool' stuff!

Jeanie said...

Have a great time on your get-away.
Very sad about Randy Travis.

Janie said...

I'm sad about Randy Travis. He's given us a lot of great songs. Hope he recovers.
Beautiful flowers, Deb. Hope you have a fun time on your trip.

Michelle said...

Sad to hear about Randy Travis. I remember listening to his music with my mom, while growing up.

Diana LaMarre said...

I am also sad to hear of
Randy's health problems. He is so young. My prayers are with him.

Susan said...

We've had rain and heat, so believe it or not the desert is humid! Amazing how plants love it. Oh I hope Randy Travis get better. He has a one of kind voice. A wonderful voice!

Mary said...

I feel sad about Randy Travis, but hopeful at the same time.

Your flowers are so pretty, and look happy with the rain!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a great time. Love the pictures.

I didn't even hear about Randy Travis, keeping him in my prayers.