Monday, July 15, 2013

S S Selma

The S S Selma is located in Galveston Bay...
 it is from WW1....
made of concrete and rebar...
click on the link above to see the full story...
 the birds like it...
so do the fisherman....
 I enjoyed the  Harbor Tour...
learned some history....
saw a few dolphins in the distance...
some times they come close to the boat...
this time not...
there was a nice breeze...
 the guy in the middle was posing for me...
I told him to watch for himself on facebook...
you never know...someone might recognize him...
if your ever in Galveston...
it's worth the $10 each to take the boat tour...
Monday was a rainy day here in Texas...
we were in the 70's all day....
very unusual...once we heat up again...
will be super humid...
I've developed a rash...
it is spreading...started on my chest...
now it's on my neck...shoulders...face...
I have had lot's of advice from my Facebook friends and family...
I'm going to go to the Dr. to get it checked...
it is
I didn't get a I don't think it's sun related...
I'm thinking I'm having an allergic reaction to something...
we will see....


Tanna said...

Nice photos of that old ship! Hope you get your rash cured! blessings ~ tanna

Nancy said...

Sounds like a steroid shot is in order! Rashed like this are NO FUN!

Love the captures of SS Selma. An awesome piece of history.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

did you go near any bushes? as in poison ivy or something like that? glad you are going to the doc... i like the old concrete boat and the cute fisherman in the middle....

TexWisGirl said...

i like the old boat ruin!

good luck with the rash!!!

Judy said...

She is an old girl!! Hard to think that she has lasted so long with so little care!!
Hope your rash clears up quickly!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You had a nice time!

But maybe came home, with a rash... Caused by something, on holiday. Unfair!

Yes, go to doc! Do! Do! Do!

Good luck!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your rash :( So how does a concrete ship float on water? Looks like a nice tour.

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

Wow, that's a really neat looking ship!

Diana LaMarre said...

What a neat old ship to tour! I am glad to hear your rash is going away. What a pain to have when you are trying to enjoy some time away.