Wednesday, July 17, 2013

there was no shortage of Sea Gulls...
every where you look...every where you go...
Sea Gulls...Sea Gulls...
and of course I took hundreds of photos of them....

they really are interesting birds...
we even saw a black bird that made sounds like a Gull...
must of lived with them so long...
picked up the lingo...
you know how when your around people...
before you know it your picking up their accent...
using their lingo....

Took Hotrod to story time today...
we haven't been in a long time...
their was a new librarian doing it...
he really enjoyed the books...the songs...
they even had a little craft...
todays theme was the sun...
she had a picture of a sun...
tissue paper cut up in squares...
and they got to glue it on with glue sticks...

I actually went to the grocery store today...
to buy a full bill of groceries...
we've gotten into the bad habit of just running to the store...
grabbing the easy...quick...(not so healthy stuff)...
so today Hotrod and I went...
we bought healthy....
Hubby and I cooked dinner together tonight...
chicken breasts...fresh corn on the cob....
squash casserole...(from our garden)...
tomatoes and cucumbers...(from our garden)
avocados...on sale......
very tasty....
I made some water...
very tasty and refreshing...
I get tired of just plain water...
so it's fun to add a little pick me up to it...
Hotrod likes apple...cinnamon water....

 I have a photo shoot on Saturday....
I'm really excited it's a little girl...
a young man my son went to school with..
his daughter is turning 2...
I've got a lot of ideas...hope they work out...
this photo was taken by my hubby...
he laid down on the blanket to take it...
I like it...very quirky....


TexWisGirl said...

i like the close-up, too. :) i like all the gulls. they look so haughty.

Lynn said...

these are all lovely, I like the hubbies shot, and hubbies seem to take funky shots ;-)

Nancy said...

Looks like a fun day! And your hubby takes awesome photos too! Better watch out! :)

Good luck on the photo shoot.

Tanna said...

Great photos, Deb; and I love your hubby's close-up, too. I'm excited for you to have a little girl photo shoot! I know you will get some great shots. blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my two favorites of the gulls are the one with the woman's legs in the blurred part and the one hubby took. that is some macro of feathers...
that sounds like a great library time and the garden foods sound wonderful.

nancygrayce said...

I'm so far behind on reading your posts! I don't know how you have time to do so many with all the other things you have going on....makes me feel lazy!!

Dolores said...

Great fun and memories at the Texas coast .... you captured some great sea gull pictures...... reminds me of great times together with my family.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You captured them perfectly...great shots! I haven't found a beach yet that isn't full of them! Your meal sounds delicious. We are having chicken and corn on the cob tomorrow.
I finally went out yesterday to get some supplies. Enjoy your weekend.

Judy said...

I love all the gull shots!!!You have a different type than we do...
As for groceries, I wanted to go get some fresh veggies today, especially at the market, but I was just too lazy...