Monday, July 29, 2013

we did not have luck with our tomatoes this year...
I pulled them all up...
getting ready to start my Fall ( I don't like that word) garden...
I'm going to do cucumbers...squash...and pumpkin...

I can not believe July is almost done...
time is passing too quickly....
I'm just happy our summer lasts so long....
some of you are already headed to Fall (don't like that word)...
I will hang on to summer till the very end...

I got Hotrod a big boy bed this weekend...
Pawpaw put it together yesterday....
Hotrod was very excited to see it...
he went right to sleep at nap time...
it looks similar to his bed at home...
I think that he has same pillow and blankets...
he is not big on changes....
Saturday night...while we were gone on Girls Night Out...
my son...his Daddy...took him out to dinner...for catfish...
then a snow cone on the way home...
A Great Daddy Son Saturday night....

this is what was left of a cucumber plant...
I thought the roots were cool....
I saved one to show Hotrod...
so we could talk about how plants get their food...
well then Sandra popped in my head...
The you know I had to play...

kinda reminded me of a voo doo doll...
or an electrical storm....

Prayers needed for a girl I grew up with...
she is going through a really hard time...
she has 4 children....a little prayer could help...
another friends daughter had to have a procedure today...
please send up a prayer for her...
my brother had tests run last week...
results should be in soon...
Thank you all who say a prayer...
or just send positive vibes their way...
One of  our local radio disc jockeys Kidd Kraddick...
passed away unexpectedly this weekend...
he was 53 years old...
he had a foundation Kidd's kids...
where he made it possible for kids with severe health issues
and their families to have a family trip to Disney World...
every year a large group of to travel..
to Disney World...for a vacation...siblings included...
Dr.'s and Nurses...were on staff to help with any medical
issues that might arise...some of these children only have a short time to live...some have life long disabilities...
he was in New Orleans for a golf tournament...
that benefits his foundation...
he died from an Aneurysm...
it took him quickly....this morning his morning show...
had to go on with out him...
it was a big shock to our area....
a never take life for granted...
if you want to see someone do it..
if you want to say I love it now...
if you want to learn something new...
Do it now...


Diana LaMarre said...

Your last few sentences are so true. We have had 3 people in their 40's & early 50's die of heart attacks in the past three weeks. One was our neighbor's son. Very sad.

So sorry about your garden this year. At least you had fun with the artistic cuke roots! They really do remind me of an electrical storm!

barbara l. hale said...

Sorry about the garden. It does make for some dramatic pics though. Hope your fall garden fares better.

Bev said...

Our time here is so short...we never know how short it will be...great words!!

Jeanie said...

Great thoughts about the transience of life. Very sad about the DJ....I heard something about it on the news.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the roots. :)

yeah, it had been YEARS since i listened to kidd, but it was still like the loss of an old friend, somehow. feel sorry for caroline (he was still doing 'bathtime with caroline' spots back when i stopped listening to him - goes to show you it was a long time ago)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your tomatoes. You had a great imagination with that cucumber root. Loved the pictures and I have to agree that did look a bit like a voodoo doll in an electrical storm. Will send up prayers for those you mentioned and for their families and friends. Hugs sweet Deb!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am happy for you that HR liked his bed and I know you enjoyed HIS nap. LOL
sorry to hear about your friends, i had a friend die from the same thing 4 weeks ago as Kidd did..
things like this remind us that life is short and to never go to bed mad or leave home mad,,,'

love the lightning bolt roots and the second one could be a voodoo doll gone MAD like MADsnapper

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photos. I will be keeping everyone in my prayers. ((HUGS))

Judy said...

My Mom has tomatoes growing in the planters on the veranda - she used compost rather than potting soil - I left the one plant that was flowering, so she could give the tomatoes away(she is allergic), but I bet she pulled it out when she got outside again...