Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday....Summer time...

 our temps are more like Texas summer temps...
moving back up to that 100 degree mark....
 Hotrod made the transformation to a Big Boy bed...
his crib goes to toddler bed...then to full twin size bed...
now Oma has to get a Big Boy bed for his room here...
 my squash is starting to produce again....
the cucumbers are still going strong...
finally tomatoes are turning red...
my favorite snack now is a bowl of cucumbers...
tomatoes...and some cheese....YUMMY...
 I booked the Hotel for our little Coast trip....
very excited to get away for a few days...
have our house sitters booked...
The dogs will be well taken care of...
looking forward to a little fishing...relaxing...
Beach time....of course camera time....
be ready for lot's and lot's of photos....


Nancy said...

Your photos remind me of my boys splashing around in that same pool! That was some 25 years ago. I guess you can't improve on perfection. :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Please tell "little cousin's" mommy, that I love, love, love it, that she keeps a bow in her hair, all the time. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! :-)

and this looks like the best way, to deal with your summer weather! With water available!!! :-)

Hooray for holiday plans, shaping up!!!!!!!! Good to say that the home-front will be taken care of, while you are away. I like to read such things, in regard to vacations. :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

good for you getting some beach time and away time.. Corpus Christie? and i love your home made beach full of sweet little beach bunnies, they are so cute playing together and those cars are so adorable to.... will the dog sitter keep HR to?

TexWisGirl said...

cute little pool buddies. :)

Tanna said...

Beach time is always a welcome thing! =D Looks like the kiddos were already enjoying their version of beachtime! Give them water and LIFE IS GOOD! ;) blessings ~ tanna

nancygrayce said...

Nothing like a little pool time to take care of the heat! I wish I was energetic enough to have planted a garden.

So glad you've got your plans made for a trip to the coast...what fun.

Dolores said...

Precious children having so much fun..... I can't believe how Hot Rod is growing......
Have fun at the coast....my favorite place to vacation..

Susan said...

Oh my gosh, that little boy is growing up isn't he!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They certainly are having fun. I'm excited for you and your trip. Enjoy!