Monday, January 2, 2012

Does anyone know what this bird is...
I couldn't get too close...
I used my zoom lens...then I cropped it...
the closest thing I found was a killdeer...
not sure if that is what it is or not....

Well tomorrow it's back to work...
a new year....holidays over...
back to reality....
Hope you all have a great week...


Michelle said...

Though it is a handsome little thing, I am afraid I am of no help!

Linda said...

I have some bird books. I will thumb through them and see if I can find it. Louis Dean and I are always looking up birds. Do you keep a bird journal?

TexWisGirl said...

kildeer or some type of piping plover (they're very closely related). :)

Dawn said...

I was just going to say...Texwisgirl would know;)

Happy new year to you and your family dear blogging friend:)

SquirrelQueen said...

A killdeer would be my guess too. He's a cute little fellow whatever he is.

Nancy said...

I knew Tex would have a clue -- very pretty and petite little bird. :)

Tanna said...

Ditto what Nancy just said! LOL! great photos, Deb! blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i first saw it i thought a gull with funny stripes, but then in the rest of the photos, decided i don' know. he is a cute little guy

Judy said...

Yup, I would say it is a kildeer. The two stripes on his breast cinch the deal. I mostly identify them by their calls, though...