Saturday, January 14, 2012

It was a beautiful day today....
blue skies...sunshine....

My camera and I had a great day....
just snapping away...

soaking up the sun....
enjoying the warmth on my face....
it is amazing what a boost...
a little sunshine...
a little warmth can give you....

even with my cold....
it put a spring in my step....
energized me....
what puts a spring in your step?
energizes you?


Sue said...

You know, I bought a new camera a few months ago. I've always taken pictures of my store and my grandkids. But with my new camera that can do more, I've found that I'm really enjoying taking pictures more. I guess I'm looking at things differently as well. I really enjoy your photos! Thanks.

Take care, Sue

TexWisGirl said...

i sat in the sunshine for over an hour today, just letting it warm me, too!

Helen Campbell said...

SUNSHINE! How I long for it. We're in the midst of gray wet weather here, and snow predicted tonight. I'm so glad you enjoyed your beautiful day.
What are those seed pods?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sunshine is number 1 and watching our dogs play is number 2.. sunshine makes me happy and energized, i can not do housework on a rainy day, only work on sunny days.

Nancy said...

The weather has perked up today here too -- although the winds may keep me in the house. Lovely berries!

Jan n Jer said...

Great macros....the sunshine gets my motor running, I am always way more productive when the sun is shinning!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful berries.

Momgen said...

They are nice shots. Visiting from SOOC Sunday.

Becca's Dirt said...

I also went walking today. It is so nice here. Warming up now.