Thursday, January 19, 2012

Warning I'm on my soap box....

I'm going to step up on my soap box a bit...
when did it become wrong to make a good living?
when did it become wrong to be a big business person?
why do some people think they should get a portion
of what the wealthy make?

no where is it written that life is fair...
no where is it written that we should all get
everything equal ...

on Facebook someone went off on Paula Deen...
why your asking.....
because she just came forward that she is diabetic...
she has been for 3 years...
a drug company asked her to be their spokes person...
this person was really upset....
stating that it was not right for her to make money
from the drug company...
not right for her to sell her cookbooks...
not right that she has a show cooking ...
because they are fatty foods...
not right that she waited to come forward..
when it would benefit her money wise...

what happened to free enterprise...
what happened to personal responsiblity...
it is not Paula Deens fault if someone is over weight..
it is not Paula Deens fault if someone becomes diabetic..
moderation is the key...
that is up to the individual..
this person thinks Paula Deen should volunteer
her services to find a cure...
that would be wonderful...but that is up to her...
just because she is wealthy....
doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to make more money...
I'm stepping off my soap box....
I'm joining Friday Fences....
If you are reading this....

Thank you for sticking with me....


TexWisGirl said...

well, nice fence shots. i don't have a comment on the other...

Michaele said...

I like the fences. And that shot of the big boy boots in you previous post is awesome! Wish I had some that were that comfortable looking.

Sue said...

Great photos as always! And in regards to Paula, last time I checked we all still lived in the USA where we are ALL, no matter rich or poor, black or white, fat or skinny, entitled to freedom of speech and "choice"! Like the old Beatles song, "Let It Be"!

Take care, Sue

SquirrelQueen said...

Nothing wrong with a good soapbox now and then. But don't put it too close to the fence with what looks like a nail sticking out, looks sharp. The little bird is so cute.

Susan said...

Great shots of the fences. They are awesome! Also, Paula has her own free agency to do what she thinks is best!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the little bird sweet Deb. Paula, you, me anyone has a right to make their own choices in life. Life is what each of us make it. It never hurts to get on our soap box now and then. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I do love the character of the fence in that last shot~very rustic.

Linda said...

I am up on that box WITH YOU!!!

Linda said...

Love the shots - especially the one with the nail! I admire your courage to step on the soapbox.

Julie said...

I have never heard of Paula Deen, but I do know a sharp nail when I see one.

Tanna said...

I'm with you on this one, Deb. No one had to watch her on TV, eat her foods, buy her products. It was their choice. And, if that drug company wants to pay her and she wants to do the ads, well... that's their choice. You can watch it or not. Period. I'm not on the fence about that. I'm firmly on the side of personal responsibility and the freedom of choice. blessings ~ tanna

Elizabeth Edwards said...

1st off great shots. great views. i love Paula Dean. she is so funny. i enjoy your cooking but not on a daily basics. why can't we all agree to disagree. what is the big deal. we are not all meant to be alike ... what is wrong with that? Anthony Bourdain is not a nice man. when you have a mean or rude comment you need to stay quiet & keep it to yourself. we will have health issues at times. we have to take responsible for our own choices. stop blaming others. any way have a great weekend. (:

Judy said...

Is that a forsythia flower in the first shot? I love the fence in the last capture! And my store is doing nothing. I am going to split the two facets into two stores, starting Sunday evening. Glad your store is doing okay!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen sister and i agree 100 percent. add one thing, why should the govt try to make laws about fat content, they are getting way to far into directing lives. it is personable responsibility not govt.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

-CLAPPING hands-

Yes! When did it become UNacceptable for people to work and attain and do better?!?

Simple answer. When the artsy-fartsy-Liberal-viewpoint became popular. All the Socialist Liberal stuff they spew out... And the present Admin., so in love with and pushing this artsy-fartsy-Socialist-Liberal view.

Our Beloved Country is being over-run by simpletons. Wake up Citizens. We need to make sure our Old Fashioned Tried-And-True Values, return to center stage.

We are still Free to elect whom we choose. Let's do it.

Oh and also, if you are for Conservative Values coming back, please stop acting like the Rep. Party has a *Death Wish.* All this ripping itself apart and making it easier, for the present Admin. to stay in power. Grrrrrrrrrr...

Enough. Too much, probably... :-)

"January is a stretch of peace
when one lives in the moment,
forced by weather and whim to
sit still and do some accounting."

~Catherine Calvert

Dianne said...

oh I get on a sopa box all the time :)

I agree with you about Paula although I do wish she had not waited 3 years to say she was diabetic, I would often defend her cooking style by saying how healthy she seemed and now I feel a bit lied to
but in the end she always said in moderation and she never shoved the food down anyone's throat

I think the issue of Paula and big corporations and sharing wealth are separate
what I object to is big corporations being corrupt and influencing the government and not respecting their workers
in the world of corporate America Paula is a tiny fish

your photos are wonderful, love the little bird

Jan n Jer said...

Awesome shots....lots of charm in all of them!
To me when Paula Deen found out she had diabetes...she missed a teachable moment to help people learn how to eat healthy...I don't begrudge her for making has to look out for ones self. She came off like a liar to me by still promoting her high fat/high calorie recipes when she knew all along that they were harming lots of folks. My question to her is...was she still eating that way...I seriously doubt it!!!! Oh Well...just my thoughts!

Dolores said...

I totally agree with your soapbox..... I say amen to free enterprise.

Rose said...

All I can say is Amen!

Faye said...

Love, love, love your second photo with that cluster of red berries over the weathered fence-simple, straightforward, beautiful.

Nancy said...

I like when you get on your soap box! You must have some Irish in ya! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...


Linda said...

what an interesting old fence

nancygrayce said...

AMEN! My husband has a small, but successful business THAT HE HAS WORKED HIS TAIL OFF TO HAVE!
You are so right!!!!!

genie said...

Love your fence shots...especially the one with the nai. sticking out...and love your comments. I agree totally. genie

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww, how sweet- love those little boots! Cute bird on the fence too.