Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This or That Thursday...

I had to share this cute little dress with you....
my Mom made it for my niece...
she used a pair of overalls...$1.07...
the ruffle was on sheets she bought....for less than $3...
the rick rack was in a box of things I gave her....
I can't wait to see my niece in it....
I told her she should make some to sell...

I'm loving my Mom being retired....
she is just a busy bee...
using all her talents...
watching my niece a few days a week....
she inspires me...
of course she is young....
she just turned 65....
this post is a little of this or that...

I haven't decided if I like this photo or not...
I started to delete it....but then decided why not...
who said everything has to be all clear...
this is kinda how I see without my glasses on...
so here it is...maybe if you take your glasses off...
it might look good....
January is going by to fast....
I'm off to pop me some popcorn in the microwave...
in a brown oil...
just put 1/2 cup popcorn...
fold over the edge...
microwave 2 minutes...
walaaa...low fat popcorn...
if you have kernels left...
put them back in....more popcorn...
easy peasy...
lemon squeasy...
heard that saying on Mickey Mouse Club house today...
Thank you Daisy Duck...
see your never to old to learn...


Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

Aw, that's a cute little overall dress. I'd put Kins in it for sure. :)

Linda said...

I love that little skirt!! Your mom was telling me about it yesterday. I am so going to make one of these for my youngest granddaughter!

Yes.....You have an AMAZING mom!!

TexWisGirl said...

that's pretty cute!

Nancy's Notes said...

That is just adorable! Oh, I love popcorn and I love that popcorn idea, Deb!

SquirrelQueen said...

That little dress is adorable, your niece is going to love it. Your blue skies look so pretty. I'll be glad when the clouds go away and we get some sunshine again.

La Petite Gallery said...

Well Ladybug, I tried to be a follower, I am on (google) I sign in all the time but I cant on your follower you only take some parts of Google.,
Anyway that dress is precious. yvonne

Dixie said...

what a cute little dress.. Mom is very creative!

Tanna said...

Now, that's a CUTE little dress! I learn things from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, too!! LOL! blessings ~ Tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love Daisy Duck, have not seen her in many years. the dress is just plain darling and i agree, she could sell them. and what a deal on the price. i did take my glasses off and the tree disappeared completely.

Judy said...

That dress is really pretty! So your mom has both a granddaughter and and a great grandson who are toddlers? She better be young, if she has to keep up with even one of them...
I like that last capture, in a way. The top edge of the cloud is in perfect focus, but the branches aren't - sort of like looking beyond the immediate issues toward the distant goal - I have been doing kinda the same thing with the lilacs surrounding a small cemetery - shall post them and you can tell me what you think.

Deb said...

The overall dress is adorable and she should make some to sell. The profit should be pretty good if she can find overalls at that price:)

deb duty said...

Glad she's enjoying retirement and staying busy! Cute dress and lovely sky pics!

Diana LaMarre said...

What an adorable dress! Kudos to mom!

Dolores said...

We'll need a picture of your niece in this precious little dress. Your mom did a great job!

Anonymous said...

That little dress is adorable. I agree your mom should make and sell them. I bet with her talent she could make and sell a lot of things. Hugs