Monday, January 23, 2012

Good bye old friend...
it was sad to see you go...
Hubby and I had gone to lunch yesterday...
we were headed back to check to see if it had been picked up...
we passed the new owner on the highway...
it was riding on a trailer...headed to it's new home...
I still don't know why I feel such an attachment to it...

My Monday started out with a bang....
actually bang on the top of the head...
my hubby has a habit of hanging his pants...
shirts on our bedroom door....
this morning I just happened to walk through
the bedroom door as he was pulling down his jeans...
to get his belt....
the buckle hit me in the top of the head...
needless to say it rang my bell....
of course he felt terrible about it...
but sure didn't make it hurt any less...
talk about being in the wrong place...
at the wrong time...
thank goodness the rest of the day went better....
busy...but better....
even managed to walk 2 miles today...
a walking dvd...
the day was so nice....
 Little britches and I got to spend some quality time outside...
I ordered a Sweating to the oldies dvd...
I think Little Britches and I will enjoy it....
he likes to help me exercise....

I had another sale on my Cafe Press store...
as sweet blog pal...thank you Maggie...
if you haven't met should go by....


TexWisGirl said...

hoping his belt buckle wasn't the texas rodeo type! :)

La Petite Gallery said...

I just found you, great blog. Where in Texas are you? I was
born in Houston. Is that a
Cedar waxwing bird?
come and be a follower and I will
do the same.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am am laughing at Tex comment about the rodeo belt, because i thought the same thing, like how big was the buckle. my question is, what is it with men that they hang their clothes on doors, back of sofa, kitchen chair, door knob in his bathroom. i have found clothes in all those places. i made a nice place in the bedroom with 4 hooks so he could hang there there, we have a walk in closet, but that will not do. he now hangs them on the 4 hooks and all the other places. at least he does not wear a belt so i don't have to fret about that.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Oh my Deb...NOT a good way to start your day but glad you had not lasting effects!

That is a charming old truck!

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

As someone with our own old truck I understand completely.

In fact your opening choked me up a bit.

Love your photos! Consider me a new follower.

Nancy said...

Ouch! That had to hurt!

Congrats on another sale. :)

Jeanne said...

OUch! Hope you head is ok! Really nice photo of this lovely bird!

nancygrayce said...

Bless your heart! I mean your head!

I'm going over to check out your shop!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your head. Well that truck looks like it has had a pretty long life! Good for you getting in a walk.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Deb I am sorry you are sad to see your old friend go...lots of memories in the vehicle I can imagine.

Sorry about the buckle conking you on the head...hope it will not be sore for long.

You had a very nice walk.

Aren't you just so sweet to put a link to my site on your post. I still am very excited about my order getting here. They sent an email to let me know it has shipped. Hugs

Bev said...

What a pretty bird!! Lucky you exercising! We had weather too cold...or I have been too busy !! Hopefully I can get back to my exercising... I miss it so much...

Cherrie said...

My little Nicky likes me to dance with him to the "hot dog" dance on Micky Mouse Club House!
I like sweating to the oldies I had it on VHS I should get the DVD.