Monday, January 9, 2012

there is a new stray at my FIL's...
just last week he showed up...
he looks to be a yellow lab mix..
he has a bad leg...
looks like he was hit by a car at one time...
he gets around really well....
several of the neighbors said they think its my FIL...
watching over us....make sure we sell his things the right way...
I told them if it was my FIL he would be barking....
bossing us around....even nipping at our heals...
so now not only are 2 cats being fed... but also this guy...
the neighbors are also feeding him...
we are trying to find him a home...
he really likes kids...
does well around other dogs...
chases cats...
my 19 year old niece pulled out all the tricks...
trying to talk her Dad into taking him....
didn't work daughter tried the same thing...
didn't work for her either...

I was so happy to find this jar...
I figured my hubby or BIL had tossed it...
I don't know why I have a facination with it...
but now it's mine all mine...

one man's (or woman's) junk is another man's (or woman's)
treasure...or inventory as my hubby calls his...

we had a rainy day here in Texas...
I'm not complaining...because we really need it....
but it sure can put a damper on things...
so happy it waited till after our estate sale....

one thing about it...the sun will come out again...
lucky for us...


TexWisGirl said...

no, i cannot take one more dog! good luck, though! he looks sweet.

Kay said...

He's a pretty boy. Too bad about his leg.

nancygrayce said...

Oh, poor guy. If he's any part lab, he's a good boy!

Glad you found the jar.....I know how some things just mean something. And so glad the rain held off for you and those pictures are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet face he has. Hope you can find a loving forever home for him. Glad you got some rain I know you all can use some good rains. Nice picture of your jar. Hugs

Nancy's Notes said...

Aww, that is a sweet looking doggy. I hope you find a home for him. He looks like he can use a little tender and loving care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I WANT THAT DOG and think you should add him to your CREW... yes i do. he is so beautiful, and i hope someone takes hims soon. if you like that JAR you would love my hubby's garage wall. it is full of jars just like this one, all full of STUFF. he just toook the JIF jar out yesterday because all his others are full.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Awwwwww, Deb...I am a sucker for the sweet furry dog! Isn't he just precious? I hope a home is found for him!

Your photos are wonderful. And when the sun comes out...OH how wonderful! Especially in January!

Bev said...

Wonderful pictures!

pbrenner said...

Who could say no to that sweet face? If I lived closer, I'd be suckered into taking him (along with my 3 other strays I couldn't say no to lol!)

Yes rain is good, though in my neck of Tx, I only got .25 inch, but am glad it was a pretty weekend.


nanny said...

You can surely count on that....the sun will come out again in your area. One reason I love it so much.

Pup is so sweet.....

EG CameraGirl said...

I can see why you're enamored by the jar of goodies! Excellent find. I hope the dog finds a good home.

Karen Whittal said...

How could anyone not take in such a cute dog, hope he finds a good home

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a sweet face he has. Hope you can find him a nice home. I love the jar, it has to be the rusty lid!

SquirrelQueen said...

He does look like a sweet fellow, hope he finds a good home.

I'm glad I'm not the only woman who is fascinated by jars of odds and ends like that. The rusty cap makes it even better!