Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today I'm joining World bird Wednesday
found this little cedar wax wing on my walk the other day..
it was not being real cooperative with the photo shoot...

everytime I thought I got a good shot..
he would move slightly...

he was eating well....really enjoying those berries...

I have really enjoyed the sunny weather we are having...
but it was really cold this morning...in the low 30's...
for Texas...that is cold...remember not long ago...
we were over a 100....big difference...
we are having our first sale this weekend of my FIL's things...
it is a time consuming thing...going through...
deciding what everyone wants to keep...
what is trash...and what should be sold...
hopefully the weather will cooperate...


TexWisGirl said...

it was very cold this morning (comparatively speaking!) hard freeze!

at least you got to see the cedar waxwing and catch some of his colors! :)

good luck w/ the sale. i know that's not fun!

Jeanne said...

What a cute little bird that waxwing is. Looks a bit shy... very nice photo. Thanks also for stopping by my blog DEB

Anonymous said...

Nice bird pictures sweet Deb. It got down into the 20's here last night. Supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow. Stay warm. Wishing you the best of luck on the sale. Hugs

Janie said...

Cedar wax wings are pretty birds, and you did a good job photographing him when he wouldn't stand still for you!
The fire in your header warmed me up. Happy New Year to you and your family, Deb.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Beautiful photo's! So glad I got to see these.
Happy New Year Deb

Dolores said...

Looks like he's enjoying those berries. Cutenlittlenbird.

Good luck on the sale.....a lot of work.

eileeninmd said...

Great sighting and capture of the waxwings. They are beautiful birds.

Tanna said...

You know the little waxwings are some of my favs!! I hope your sale goes well... it is a lot of work, both physical and emotional. blessings ~ tanna

Judy said...

They are pretty good captures of the waxwing! At least he stayed still enough that you could get some clear shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet little bird, we were at 34 this morning and that is cold for FL.. like you we went from 100 to this. ours should be gone by Friday and our medium winter weather here. i know it is hard going through his things and making those decisions. and it takes a long time to get everything done.

nanny said...

those are wonderful shots....they sure love the berries, uh?

Good luck with your sale, I know it will be tough.

holdingmoments said...

Beautiful birds.

Pat Ulrich said...

It's always fun to see waxwings, especially when they are in a berry bush!

joo said...

It's a great fun to watch:)

Arija said...

That last shot of the waxwing is really beautiful.

We have just survives a few days of 100+F, really enervating and no fun at all.

Hope you get through the sale alright

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

So pretty Deb!
And Happy New Year my friend and stay warm!

Nancy said...

Love seeing the cedar waxwings enjoying the berries. What beautiful captures, Deb. :)

Springman said...

I remember when you Texans were putting up with that long string of 100 degree days. Nice to get a break I would think! Great job on the waxwing, they are a tough catch.