Sunday, January 8, 2012

we made it through the first Estate sell...
believe it or not we got rid of a lot of stuff...
I guess flying by the seat of your pants works...

thank you everyone for the well wishes for my CafePress store...
we will see...

we had a good turn out at the sale...
we met some really nice and interesting folks...

some made several trips...
some hung out for hours...
my hubby was in his element...
telling stories...
he had a story for almost everything there...
he had an attentive audience....
we met a few more folks this morning...
sold some more things...
taking next weekend off...
then the next weekend we will have another...
one gentlemen lets us know something we were gonna
sell for a couple of dollars could be worth $400 or more...
we appreciated that...going to look into it...
it is a buffalo a real buffalo...
found in the early 60's in Wyoming on a camping trip...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you sold some things and hope you are successful in selling everything else. That is very interesting about the buffalo horn and it is good you are going to look into it. Someone would really be getting a deal if they bought it for a couple of dollars and it was worth hundreds. Better you make that deal! Love the pictures. Hugs

TexWisGirl said...

glad round one is over with.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is good news. How awesome for that man to tell you that. He could have just bought it and taken off. I love honest people.

Janie said...

Interesting about the buffalo horn. Your hubby must be a lot like Steve, always with a story to tell...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first let me say that Texas Squirrels are just plain Silly and I love them. i like the photo of the pot or whatever it is. and woo hoo on 400 bucks

Michelle said...

Glad that you were able to finish round one.

Anonymous said...

Glad it was a success!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

One down- that's great! Good luck on the next one!

nanny said...

Glad it went well......
Your husband sounds like mine; a story for everything/ha

Tanna said...

Glad it went so well! Good luck with the second round!!

Admin said...

lovely and my blogs are happy to follow you in google!

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