Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birds of a feather...well I'm not so sure...

isn't it funny how humans are alot like animals...
usually in the animal world the female blends in..
the male stands out...
but have you noticed in humans...
in a marriage or relationship...
one usually blends in...
while the other likes to stand out...

there is one that likes being in the lime light...
the other one likes to sit in the shadows...
one likes to be in front of the camera...
one likes to be behind the camera...

my hubby likes to be in the lime light...
he likes telling stories...
he loves entertaining a crowd...
now if he had to get up and give a speech...
that would be a different story...
but amongst family...friends and aquaintances...
he likes to be center stage...

he never meets a stranger...
talks to everyone around us no matter where we are...
me I'm a little more of a back ground person...
behind the camera person...
in this aspect we are as different as night and day...
in other aspects we are very much alike...
Our daughter is a spot light person....
Our son is a behind the scenes person...
unless he knows you....
or he has a guitar in his hands...
I've been watching our
almost everyone we know..
has one that is center that is back stage...
they say birds of a feather flock together...
I don't think this is necesarily true...
what do you think???
are you a center stage person...
or a back stage behind the scenes person??
Today I'm joining Watery Wednesday...
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Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Same here...I am the outgoing one...Bob is the quiet one...

Linda said...

Louis Dean is SO outgoing!! I tend to blend in and not call attention to myself.

Michaele said...

Definitely back stage here. Well written : )

Jeanie said...

With us it seem like it depends on who we are with...I am the "front" person with some people and Doc is with others. Actually neither on of us is too reserved.

Paula said...

In a crowd I just listen. One on one I can hold my own. I agree birds of a feather do not always flock together.

Nancy said...

Behind the stage? How about under the stage? Lol. My hubby's way more outgoing than I. How we ever got together is a mystery. :)

Tanna said...

Both of us are a little behind the scenes kind of folks... =) blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am center stage and your descrpiton of your hubby is me, except I don't mind speeches and i am always always behind the camera. bob is backstage and only talks to people that he knows well. i talk to strangers and anyone who will talk back. we are alike in most things but opposite in this. i think it is because if two people want to be the center stage they don't get along with each other, someone has to listen. HA HA