Friday, February 3, 2012

We have had unusually warm weather here in Texas...
I just hope the trees and plants don't get fooled...

We are having a Mardi Gras themed party...
for my Daughters birthday this weekend....
hubby is making gumbo...
I'm making a beans and rice dish....
we have
every where...

I got a sad call this afternoon...
a friend of the family passed away last night..
it was a real shock...she lost her husband last year....
my Mom had just spoken with her on Tuesday...
she was upbeat....
she was only 56....
Good bye Sharon...we had a lot of laughs....
a lot of fun memories....

Today I'm joining Black and White Weekend
Thank you to the ones who have joined my Give Away
It's not to late to enter...
just click on Give Away...
you don't have to be a follower...
you must be a USA blogger...
Drawing held on February 7th....


A Colorful World said...

Some great b&w photos! The birthday party with the mardi gras theme sounds like wonderful fun! But, I was so sorry to hear of your friends' passing at such a young age!

Thanks for your comment on my Fridays Fences!

Linda said...

I am so sorry about your friend.....

Joys and sorrows are right next to each other, aren't they?

Jeanie said...

I think you should definitely have a big party for your deserved to be celebrated.
I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.

TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry about your family friend! that does seem very young...

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Lovely black and white photos.

Regards and best wishes

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the party !! Sounds like fun!!
So sorry to hear of your family friend. She was very young

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my old friend from when we raised our children together lost her husband of 56 years this past Tuesday. sadness every where.

Dragonstar said...

Love the light in the last photo.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful black and white shots. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Have fun this weekend sweet Deb...the party sounds great. Hugs

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Sorry to hear about the loss. The party sounds like it will be fun and festive.

Dawn said...

So sorry about your friend. Life throws us some awful shocks at times.

I always hope the trees don't get fooled too. Our winter has been pretty much non-existent here.

May I come for gumbo?

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. She was so young.
Lovely photos today- I like the shadowy feel of the tree branches against the sky.

genie said...

That beautiful black and white photos with the birds. They are awesome. Sorry to hear of the los of your friend. It is so upsetting when we lose someone we know at such a young age. genie

genie said...

That beautiful black and white photos with the birds. They are awesome. Sorry to hear of the los of your friend. It is so upsetting when we lose someone we know at such a young age. genie

Janet said...

Beautifully captured. And I can see those buds. Same thing here.