Thursday, February 9, 2012

I have noticed I have a lot of new visitors to my blog...
still have some that have been with me for quite a while...
so today I thought I would give a brief (well I'll try)over view...
of Ladybug from Texas...

I started my blog at the end of 2008...
at first is was non public....just for my family...
well really just my Mom looked at it...
My Mom  loves to write...she has actually written a book...
hoping to publish someday...
I looked into Blogging for her...
a way for her to write...
I thought it would be fun...
so I started a blog...
I named it Ladybug after my Nana...
and of course I'm from Texas...

I've always loved to take it was a win win for me...
It was all confusing at first...but little by little I figured it out...
My Mom started a blog also....she had to give hers up...
she was having problems with carpal tunnel...
she had surgery...but her computer time is limited...

I stuck with has changed a lot over time...
at first is was recipes...crafts...gardening....
I removed all of my first posts...
trying to get photo storage space...
finally just bit the bullet and purchased storage space...
then my son got married...
I became an Oma...
it has moved more towards my day to day life...
my photography...
A year ago my hubby bought me a Cannon Rebel T2i...
my world changed for ever....
my followers and visitors have changed a lot too...
the blogs I follow have changed too...
Hubby and I have a family business...
my son works for us full daughter part time...
little britches and Ginger (the grand dog) come full time...
I spend my days singing....dancing...chasing...
answering phones...doing paperwork...
scheduling calls...researching...
reading books...crawling on the floor...
of course photography is always involved...
at the end of the day I'm one tired Oma...
when everyone goes home for the day...
hubby and I regroup....
when the weather is nice we like to fish...
go riding on his motorcycle...
spend time outdoors...
I'm looking forward to spring...
this year little britches will be able to go on some of our adventures..
love taking day trips...soaking up the culture...
taking tons of photos...
I will be 50 in March...
will be married 29 years this month...
I'm not tall...surprised huh? 4 ft 11...well almost...
too close to call I stick with it...
I met my hubby after high school...
even though we went to school together...
knew all the same people...I had my brother in law in a class...
My hubby is 6 ft tall...his dad was 6 ft4...
so my hubby thinks he's not tall...
his Mom was 4 ft 11 also...
I started a shop on Cafe Press recently..
the link is on my sidebar..
I've made 3 from my Mom...
one from my Ex Sister in Law...
and one from a great blog pal....
so that's me in a nut shell...
Thanks for sticking with me...


nanny said...

Great post, Deb......
You are one busy lady!
I am looking forward to spring too!

Linda said...

You are a very busy person as like myself. I always enjoy reading your blog....I just don't get to blog as often as I would like. Good Luck with the Cafe Press business!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i knew most of this but not all and not as much detail, so glad you did this. i love your dogs, photography, wit and LB and his sweet little self. glad you evolved to what you are and glad i found you. you are one busy bee, and i wonder how you find time to blog. you already know i love that barrel you use for fire.

Becca's Dirt said...

Good to know you better Deb. I love your blog and you are a great writer. Didn't know you and hubby have a business and working together too... My experience working with family wasn't a good one. You are a shorty standing beside your hubby. Hope you have a good rest of the day.

Diana LaMarre said...

Hi Deb,
What an interesting post. I did not know you were a shorty like me...although to you I may be all--almost 5.1". LOL.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Loved every photo you've posted & every minute I've spent here!

Linda said...

Great post!! You are a busy lady!

nancygrayce said...

Loved the recap! A strange thing....I've been blogging since 2005 and have never had to purchase extra space. Maybe they've overlooked me! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It all sounds pretty wonderful. I am glad I found you.

Michaele said...

So nice to get to know you better : )
I do enjoy your blog and love that you post often. You are a great photographer and I LOVE your new header!

Jeanne said...

Great post and really enjoyed reading about you since i am a newer person to your blog, did not have much background info! love your fireplace photos. What a cozy atmosphere. Have you gone through any periods where you have taken a break from the blog? Have a great day! Oh and love the duck on your title area. So cute

Tanna said...

Great post, Deb!! You started for your mom... I started for my daughter. LOL! I think I knew most of these things from being here since 2009. My how time flies when you're having fun. It has been great fun to see you becoming Oma along with my becoming Noni. Our lives have changed for the better, my friend. Oh, yes. ;) blessings ~ Tanna

Anonymous said...

Sweet Deb I so enjoyed reading this. I smiled when I read your height...I am also a close call 4ft 11. I love your blog and I am so happy you made it public. The Rooster magnet arrived yesterday. Love it! He has now joined the other beautiful magnets on my fridge door. Thank you again so much for sharing your wonderful talent and pictures. Hugs