Friday, February 24, 2012

Today I'm joining Weekend Reflections...
we had such a nice day at the lake last Sunday...
I'm ready to do it again...I felt renewed...
good thing cause it was a heck of a week...

I had one of those dogs chasing his tail weeks...
you know....the ones where you are on the move...
but don't seem to be getting anything accomplished..

hubby cooked pork chops on the grill tonight...
we had green beans and brussel sprouts...
oh it was so good....
I told hubby it's the best meal we've had in weeks...
we don't do a lot of cooking anymore...
day two with no with drawls

I had a sale on my Cafe Press shop this week....
Thank you Judy a blog pal....

Click on the link to visit....

I add things regularly...

If you sign up for email they send out lot's of specials...


TexWisGirl said...

lots of great reflections here. hope you have a good weekend!

Carole M. said...

a nice collection of reflections

James said...

Great reflections and the chops on the grill sounds wonderful!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely reflections! Have a great weekend!

Nancy said...

Love the checkerboard reflections, Deb. Very cool. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the bluebird box reflection and am dying to know what is reflected in the water with all those windows. i checked out your cafe press and you do have a lot of new things, impressive

A Colorful World said...

These reflections are just wonderful! You do have such a great artistic eye! I always enjoy your pictures so much!

I'm waiting for my husband's SS to start...then I want to do a little shopping! :-)

A Colorful World said...

Forgot to mention...I LOVE your header picture!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great job on the reflections!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Judy said...

I like the relfections of the honey coloured building with all the windows!
I call moments (days, weeks, months) like that White Queen moments, from Alice in Wonderland...
Your magnet and all the stuff I have ordered for advertising has been shipped, so will be here next week!

Unknown said...

Did the same this weekend, went to the beach, just to be "out"!
Love the 2nd reflection the most:)