Thursday, February 16, 2012

when I first caught a glimpse of this bird...
I thought it was a dove...
I looked a little closer...
I've never seen a bird like this before...
I knew it wasn't a dove...
maybe some type of wood pecker...

I got on the net...started digging..
Yellow shafted flicker woodpecker....

I get so excited when I find a bird I've never seen before...
this bird looks so different at every angle...


TexWisGirl said...

YAY! love those birds! you got some great views!

Bev said...

Wow... he is cool!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so gorgeous and I have never seen one before either. those speckles on his chest are beautiful. as i type, i look below and the log on yesterday post looks like a gator watching me

Nancy said...

I love this bird. We used to have one that came to the feeders a couple of years ago, but haven't seen him for some time. Great captures, Deb.

pbrenner said...

What a pretty bird! I'm SO glad you found out what kind it was or it would have driven me crazy all weekend, lol!

Hope y'all get some of this rain we're getting (hill country) ... I love the rain, but I wish it would rain when I have to go to work and be sunny and in the 70's when I'm home on the weekend :-)


Judy said...

Deb, I love that last capture, where he has his wings spread!!
Isn't it funny that these birds have probably always been there, but we have simply never seen them before?
We saw a skunk this morning - the dogs wanted to go play with it - I kept them on a short leash.