Thursday, February 21, 2013

 Do you ever have one of those days...
that you feel like the world around you...
is out of kilter...or maybe the people in your
world are out of kilter?
 I had one of those days today....
it started at 1:30 in the morning...
for some reason I  was on the edge of the bed...
with Nolan (schnauzer) on top of me...
I didn't realize it until I pulled the blanket..
and he went flying across the bed...
Hubby in the middle of the bed...
watching TV....
 when I questioned him about it...
he acted like I had lost my mind...
told me I had plenty of room...
(play the twight light zone music)
Hotrod was not himself today...
Hubby was irritable all day...
seemed like everything I did today...
caused it to get worse...
nothing I said was right...
nothing I did was right...
has the moon changed???
when everyone went home for the day...
I put on my head phones...
turned on the music...
got some paperwork done in the office...
now I'm going to pop me some popcorn...
pour me a glass a wine...
and hope tomorrow is a better day...
if not...
you might see one of those signs on the
highway...that says...
short... Texas grandma...
in big Ford truck...
wearing flannel pj's with ducks and bubbles..
with a camera in her hand...
approach with caution...


TexWisGirl said...

:) tomorrow will be better. :)

Jeanie said...

It would be hard for any day that starts at 1:30 in the morning to be a very good one. :)
I hope tomorrow is better.

Tanna said...

I think that popcorn and glass of wine are fine ideas and I hope it is better in the morning. blessings ~ tanna

Linda Hoye said...

Been there. Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

RoeH said...

Been there and have had those days. Makes me want to run away. In any kind of a truck. Thanks for coming over to my blog. I love meeting new people. :))

Leave It To Davis said...

Hey! I had exactly that kind of day usually happens around here the week before a full moon, which is next week on Monday. Could be the moon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope today is a wonderful day and nary a grump in sight, although i would love to see the short grandma in pjs running away from home... love love that barn

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

OF COURSE THERE IS A REASON!! :-) The Full Moon is coming, on Mon. 2/25th. And I fear it is a "duuuuzzzie".

It already caused my good friend, to slice the skin off her thumb...

You saw first hand, how people are being made "upset" and "irritable" by it.

It's not the "Whoo-Hoo-Moon". It's that the Moon effects the tides, that's a given. We have a whole lot of that kind of fluid (saline solution), in our bodies. So........ Do our bodies experience a subtle pull????

Be aware. Notice "issues," before (or as) they present themselves, in our little worlds. Try to let knowledge, help us surf. :-)

Me thinks....


“We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem.
We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations
for things we don't really have an explanation for.”

Nancy said...

The cats were getting on my last nerve this morning... so I was the one that was "off." Hoping it gets better for the both of us. :)

Judy said...

I can SOOO relate...
if you do run away from home, can I come too?

Susan said...

The moon is getting full ya know, maybe that has something to do with it. It will get better!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) Hope the wine and popcorn helped! Love the photos.

A Colorful World said...

Sometimes I have those your photos, by the way! They remind me of Alabama where I always went to see my Grandmother!....Usually those days start with getting up six times to go to the bathroom, then not being able to go back to sleep after the 4 am run...I am usually so tired the next day I can't function.