Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy 30th Anniversary Hubby...

thirty years ago today...
Hubby and I got married...
we had a small wedding at my Mom's home...
with close loved ones and friends...
my dress was not a typical wedding gown...
it was actually a prom dress...
it was cream colored...
because white and me don't go well together...
Hubby wore a white tux...
what a handsome fellow he was...
my best friend was my bridesmaid..
she wore a dress that she had worn
at another wedding...
Hubbies brother was the best man...
he wore a flannel shirt and blue jeans...
we did not have a honey moon...
we both went back to work on Monday...
The wedding...the honeymoon...
do not make the wedding....
being married has been a series of...
ups and downs...
but through it all...
we are still together...
some days we may want to strangle each other...
but through thick and thin...
we tough through it...
because love is in our hearts...
and we like to dance....



TexWisGirl said...

a very happy 30th to you - here's to 30 more. :)

pbrenner said...

Congratulations on 30 years, and may you have 30x30 more wonderful years! My (14th) anniversary is tomorrow ... I have several friends whose anniversary is today, I will be lifting a glass to honor all of us :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are just plain old FANTASTIC photos of both of you, the dancing ones make me smile, the older ones you are sooooo young... Love your hair in the high school shot, and the ones i like best of all are the two that are just above where the writing starts... they are not as clear and sharp but they just speak LOVE.... not a bad pic in the bunch.
hope you have a wonderful day/night and Happy Anniversary.

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!
Great pics of a wonderful couple! You keep it real! I love that about you!

Jeanie said...

Happy anniversary. I hope you keep dancing for another 30 years.

Michelle said...

A very accurate description of what marriage really is. Congrats to the both of you!

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you well on the next 30 years. Your photos are all great and so are the many smiles I see.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoyed looking at all your photos. They are all so sweet and the ones from your wedding day are precious.


Bev said...

Happy Anniversary. You guys are great!! Love your pictures!!

Dawn said...

Happy Happy Day to you both!!!!

Carla said...

Cute couple. Love all the pictures.
A very Happy Anniversary and many more to come

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


And thank you so much, for the delightful collection of photos, in this post! Thank you! You know how I love, love, love personal photos! :-))))))))))))


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

Susan said...

Happy, happy anniversary! I loved each picture of you together!

Diana LaMarre said...

Congrats on 30 years, Deb! You make a lovely couple. I enjoyed all the pics through the years!

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! Happy Anniversary, Love Birds! Love those early pictures! :)

nancygrayce said...

Love the pictures! Congratulations on 30 years and many more to come!

Judy said...

Happy Anniversary!! And tell him he should smile more - it looks good on him!!! (I know, my husband doesn't think he should smile in photos, either...)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. Go another 30 Guys!
