Friday, February 8, 2013

Texas sky

hoping all Northern friends are fairing well...
we hit 80 yesterday...then the temps dropped...
nothing like yall have that is for sure...
but we are bouncing back and forth...
I'm seeing signs of Spring...
which makes me a little nervous...
some of the trees are budding...
I just hope we don't get a February or March ice storm...
it has been known to happen...

My baby girl turned 24 years old...
where does the time go???
for her Birthday gift...
I'm going to do a photo shoot with her...
the location of her chose...
I'm looking forward to it...
she is a camera ham...
Hotrod is taking lessons...
he has an Aunt Didi pose down pat...

just a small rant...
what is up with parents these days???
getting so Irate and mean with sports...
I remember when I was in school there were bullies...
but now the parents are getting in on the action...
it is unbelievable to me...
what causes it???
Now they are bad mouthing kids...
on Facebook...Twitter...through text...
Come on Parents grow up...
what lesson are you teaching our children???
Ok...stepping down...
for now...
Happy Friday....


Anonymous said...

Have a look at my blog if you have time. We have 2 feet of snow and coming more. I put my first pictures in day before the Thur and today is a Motivation day to lose some pounds .
Well actually more.

Oh how nice a shoot for her birthday. My daughter was always a Madonna and still is and her daughter. I was the same so it goes down the chain line in families. You look very pretty also.

Your right some mothers just dont grow up it seems. Have a great day. Spring looking oh my. Is that not early?

Anonymous said...

You have loss weight I see. Good for you.Or is that your daughter? In the stripped top and long stylish hair cut.

And your the double of her if it is her on the side bar.

My eyes were playing tricks.

On you side bar. I had to come back in to tell you.

A Colorful World said...

Children do grow up SOOO fast! My daughter is 36! Seems like she was little just yesterday!

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday to your girl.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy birthday to your daughter and happy snapping to. that first pic looks like someone is on the ground sending smoke signals.
my friend had to pull her 11 year old out of football at the YMCA because of the parents.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We have pouring rain today and it's only been about 55 degrees this week. Happy Birthday to your daugher. Have a nice weekend.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Nice to catch up with you--Happy Birthday to your girl! I know time daughter is 20 and will be graduating college this May. Double major in 3 years and she hopes to head to Grad School next!

Needed to see your beautiful photos today--we are in the middle of a blizzard!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Michaele said...

A photo shoot is a perfect gift for a 24 year old : )

Jeanie said...

Happy birthday to you daughter. I hope you will show us some results of the photo shoot.

nancygrayce said...

Love the idea of a photo shoot for your daughter's birthday! And happy Birthday to her.

That sky is gorgeous and we are having wild weather with lots of ups and downs here too, but I'm thankful I don't live in the north!

I think you hit the head on the nail when you said parents need to grow up!