Wednesday, February 6, 2013

it doesn't take much to entertain...
a little boy with a big imagination...
or an Oma watching him do it....

today we went on an Adventure walk...
per Hotrods request...
I video taped our walk today...
we saw a woodpecker pecking on a tree limb...
we saw a cat sunning in a window...
we saw a tree with three bird nests...
we saw two fire hydrants...
I explained to Hotrod what they are used for...
how the fireman use them...
he was very excited to tell the process to Pawpaw...

 this afternoon we had a little excitement on our street...
we were outside playing when I looked up...
there was a run away horse...
running through our neighbors yard...
we went out front to see a man running...
he was trying to catch the horse...
then two trucks went speeding by ...
trying to get to the horse...
of course being the nosey folks we are...
had to go out there to see what was going on...
along with several other neighbors...
they corned it at the end of our street...
I'm assuming they caught it...
the animal control truck went by...
almost running over a little dog that was in the street...
he didn't even bother with the little dog...
my luck if it was my dog...
he would have stopped and grabbed it...
the little dog was quite lucky...
You just never know around here...
I guess that is why I love my street...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that song could be HR and Pawpaw...i love the swing shots..made me smile, Jake does that to our swing. i need to get a photo of it. i would have been hanging in the street watching, anything in our street is fair game... poor little dog, hope he was ok.

Nancy said...

He's a busy boy! Reminds me of my two many years ago. Good memories. :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Wow! Good thing you are a young Oma. That would be way too much excitement, for me.

but yes, they do use their own little imaginations, to play, don;t they? Not all kids do/can I fear. So we are lucky, to have the kinds, which can. :-)

Tanna said...

Don't you just love how seeing life through their eyes gives a fresh appreciation for all that is around us!? Did they catch the horse?? blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It must be a joy to watch Hotrod entertaining himself. They do have the best imaginations!

nanny said...

Well I'll bet hotrod is retelling the horse story over and over.
Debbie you are so fortunate to be able to take those walks with your grandson. I love times like those with the little ones.
My daughter and I are planning a long weekend in Dallas next month and I don't know who is the most excited. We're going to go to all of our favorite places!! Of course Lila will probably be content to sit at NorthPark and watch the ducks and turtles......can't wait.

Susan said...

Your little Hotrod is such a darling!