Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hubby surprised me with roses...
we had a nice anniversary...
thank you for all the best wishes...
we went out to dinner at Olive Garden...
danced off part of our dinner...
then shared a piece of Blackberry cheesecake...
while watching a movie at home...
my kind of celebration....
 I decided to have a little photo shoot...
with my roses from my daughter...
 roses are so pretty...
wilted or fresh....

the last photo is on Hatari's rain coat...
I love polka dots...
especially red and white...
Mother Nature is playing with my emotions..
warm spring like weather...
then boom it's freezing cold...
the rain is something we need...
but the cold...not so much...
in the 70's one day...
the low 40's the next...
well it gives ups something to talk about...


TexWisGirl said...

i'm gonna build a fire today. figure it might be one of the last of the season, anyway...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love both of your roses from hubby and daughter, what a FUN foto shoot... i like the zebra and the polka dots. Harati has a raincoat? what about noland and ginger and rooster... sounds like the perfect day you had.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the photos and I love to let my roses dry. Sounds like a perfect anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Lovely roses! 30 years! How time flies when you're having fun! :)

Michelle said...

Glad you both had a great time!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awww, how sweet of your hubby.

Nice, nice, nice Anniversary celebration!

Oh my how lovely are all the roses! I just love roses, when they sort of wither. To me, they are even more pretty.

What a Photo OP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Sorry about the weather. Changing back and forth, is tough. At least up here, the changes are variations of cold. Which is easier to take, I think. Than cold, warm, cold, etc.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

And isn't it amazing, how weather messes with our moods, etc.?!?

Sun can make me "up" and dull grayness can bring me down, etc.

Ya' know what? I think we modern humans have gotten way to far away from the Reality Of Nature. The REAL thing. The way this part of the Wheel Of The Year, is, in our own neck of the woods.

Betcha' if we tried to be more in tune, with NATURE, we'd be less susseptible to changes. Perhaps changes would FIT, for us, more? Maybe? :-)

Judy said...

And the roses are different colours!!!
I don't much care for roses, myself, but when he hands me a bouquet, how can I tell him that?
I know what you mea about the weather - I don't think I have ever spent so many days indoors as this year...