Saturday, February 16, 2013

Remember when running was fun...
just taking off with no direction...

 just cause you could...
not because you needed too...
not timed...not measured...
just for the shear fun of it...
remember the thrill of being lifted in the air...
a little scarey...a little excited...

remember when being swung around was fun...
made you giggle...

remember the freedom....
the trust you felt in the person swinging you...

remember saying....again...again...again....
now this is what I call reliving your childhood through kids...
not what so many parents do to their kids...
pushing them...bullying them to meet what they never accomplished..or expecting them to exceed their goals...
I wish they could just sit back...
enjoy their kids...enjoy their kids pace...
relax...remember the thrill of it all...
the nervousness the excitement of it all...
winning isn't everything...
some time the process is what it is all about...


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What you write here, concerning Grand-parenting, which concerns Parenting also...... Should be in a book.

Your Wisdom, needs a broader audience.

A broader audience, needs your Wisdom!

"Auntie" sezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Yikes! That's the first time my new Icon, has shown up, in a comment.

The one of Helen Mirren's pink hair! LOL!!!! I love it. -chuckle-

I'm a nut, but I love that too!!!! ,-)

Jeanie said...

Great pics of great kid fun.

TexWisGirl said...

so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first one made me think here comes peter cotton tail, hopping down the bunny trail... and HR has his motorcycle in his hand. i love the first one with one foot in the air... wheeeeeee he is saying while swinging.

Susan said...

I love this post. I cannot remember running just because. So sad we lose those memories. Do cartwheels, jumping rope, playing jax, climbing up on the garage roof just to look around. Miss those days!

Judy said...

Remember a time when time meant nothing? You lived in the eternal now, with no plans of what was to come, and how long you could stay there?